Yesterday Was Christmas and I Wanted Nothing More Than To:?

Question by kingforaday…: yesterday was christmas and I wanted nothing more than to:?
stop doing drugs, but I failed. What can I do? I just want to be a good father and christian, please pray for me. ty. my name is Mike in Ohio

Best answer:

Answer by 2QT2BSTR8
Well sorry I will not be able to pray for you(im an atheist) but i wish you luck on getting over your addiction. 🙂

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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8 Responses to Yesterday Was Christmas and I Wanted Nothing More Than To:?

  • Brett S says:

    you need to probably get some professional help it is hard to do on your own sometimes

  • Chris in Seattle says:

    Hey you’re that guy that emailed me about drugs last night! You can still be a good father and a christian even if you had made mistakes with drugs. Its the things that may happen that may make you better or worse in those catagories. If you are really having a problem get some help with something like AA but for drug users or go to a rehab center. Also expect that relapses can occur and that it may take time for you to completely stop right away. Let your family and friends know that you want to stop and need help but it’s difficult for you…I’m sure they will understand and try to help you as much as possible.

  • o'juiccy1 says:

    For God is good and worthy to be praised. You are still a good christian, we all make mistakes no one is perfect. Jesus didn’t die in vain Get up off your knees and try again this time get some help.We all need this through life. I Love You in Jesus’ name.
    From Chicago

  • Chinni says:

    Hi mike, look!! just believe in your self. i am sure you will get over your drug addiction. just have some will power. think of your family and all the problems you are causing for them due to your addiction. then just make a new year resolution and all will be fine. i will definitely pray for you. all the best.

    cheers 🙂

  • Ali says:

    If you want to stop but can’t then you need to get some help. That could be your first step to becoming a better father.Just start the year off fresh. Of course it’s going to be hard, but you can do it! Its possible. And in the end you’ll love yourself for it. Don’t let this problem get out of hand.
    Pray about it. God will give u faith. Don’t give in to the pressure around you.
    Don’t forget that God gave u the job of being a daddy to someone. Don’t fail it.
    take care.

  • rxmikoo says:

    i will pray for you 🙂

  • precious e says:

    please pray every morning and evening try not to get angry becuse thats what lead people into drugs please try not to make it a habbit i will be praying for you
    always go to church and see the pastor uright merry x mas

  • Havana says:

    then go to drug treament they can and WILL help you if you really want to stop i wish you all teh luck in the world on this

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