Would Drug Checks in Schools Minimize the Drug Abuse? ANy Statistics or Proof of This?

Question by darkid: Would drug checks in schools minimize the drug abuse? ANy statistics or proof of this?
I need proof of this, if there is to be drug checks does the use deacrease?

Best answer:

Technically no, why: because it has been shown that when laws are in place it makes more people do the opposite. Example in Europe in some countries they do not have a drinking age at all, but yet fewer teenagers drink over there. One road has no speed limit and has rarely any accidents vs the U.S.

What do you think? Answer below!



For School: drug abuse commercial (animated) – I made this commercial for school. It has animation, and statistics, a great combo. Enjoy!


Hard-hitting playlet about 'legal' drug abuse hits home

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“Nobody wants to talk about it when it happens in their family” says the grieving mom in “Legally Addicted,” a powerful, hard-hitting playlet about prescription drug abuse, which has reached epidemic proportions in Ohio and nationwide. Written by Jacqi …
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