Why Does the Whole Mental Health Industry Care More About Adjusting People to Society?

Question by NONAME: Why does the whole mental health industry care more about adjusting people to society?
than empowering people to rise above society. Sure, there are real mental disorders, like schizophrenia, drug addiction, depression, anxiety, Narcissism and psychopathy. They are not good for the sufferer, and personality disorders can be harmful to others. But I find that we make too many judgments about mental illness to stigmatize others, like psychiatrists are the deciders on what is okay and what is not, based solely on being an “authority”, or they label attributes not very popular, or against some cultural, religious or political ideology as insane. Like Defiant Personality disorder is just propaganda to stigmatize anyone who doesn’t do as they are told by some power hungry narcissist. Or just in general, they just function more on getting people to adapt to society, than to empower their clients to be able to control their lives. Its like a fish out of water, they are never going to have wellbeing in an environment, and its not like they can just cope.

Best answer:

Answer by KHAAAAN!
What the psychological community deems to be a form of mental illness is a label applied to a pattern of behaviors that significantly impair one’s ability to function socially or economically and cause them or the people around them notable distress.

“Defiant Personality Disorder” wouldn’t be applied to somebody who goes against the grain a little. It would be applied to somebody who is defiant for the sake of being defiant, with no rhyme or reason, to the degree that it even affects their ability to hold down a job and function in society. What you describe as a narcissistic power trip and what psychology actually is are worlds apart.

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