Why Do People Have Trouble Quitting World of Warcraft?

Question by Jonathan H: Why do people have trouble quitting World of Warcraft?
It’s something that I’ve never understood when it comes to videogame addiction. I understand the Skinner-box methods used to condition players into having fun, but what was it about this game that kept you playing?

If some of you have been affected by WoW addiction what got you hooked in the first place?


Best answer:

Answer by avatar553
Quitting is easy…. but blizzard keeps getting out new patches and other stuff which improves gameplay by a lot…. thats why people start playing again after quitting… because there is a lot more stuff you can do and the game never finishes… you can do team stuff on the game and is packed with a lot of fun…. that only once you have played a while… I started playing WOW because of a friend and i hated the game… later he quit and let me have his account… so i started messing around and found it really fun… I also stopped now though 🙂

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Wowquit.com Can Help With World of Warcraft Addiction – Youtube VideoResponse