Why Do Medical Staff (Doctors and Nurses) Get So Upset About Drug Seekers?

Question by tater tot: Why do medical staff (doctors and nurses) get so upset about drug seekers?
I realize the question at first seems obvious. The idea is that addicts ruin their lives as well as those around them. I halfway expect to get an answer from an angered person who had dealt with either addiction by someone close to them. Addicts tend to not realize how they hurt others. So if you find yourself angered, try to explore it and let me know what fuels that anger, rather than taking it out on my question and attacking me. I find that people who are angered about those addicts close them, even though they are not at fault for the addiction, have put up with an insane amount of horrid behavior from an addict because they love the person (not so much the addict) very much and would do anything for them and their addiction has caused so much pain and loss to them.

That pain comes out and is projected onto patients, no matter what level of intelligence and how professional medical personnel is.

I define the term upset as disruption from doing the job and treating the patient with less empathy and disdain due to any emotion and judgement beyond how a medical professional would normally handle the patient.

In the past, I have found myself irritated at what I believed to be addicts, irregardless of whether the fact was true. Anyone with pain, seeking drugs was a seeker. Now I am exploring it because I see it as a common thread among medical personnel. I am finding the basic answers and as I keep exploring further I find that the root cause may be a societal and legal stance that has swayed my opinion and judgment and I further have to wonder what my “real” answer is.

Best answer:

Answer by syncere999
well my friend unfortunatly are society has paved the way for hospitals to think all are drug seekers and you are stereo typed as soon as you walk in the door this is a result of dr. & nurses having to put up with drug seekers all day and everyday its a unfortunate situation for the people who realy require it you can blam the drug seekers for that MY WIFES A NURSE AND YOU SHOULD HEAR SOME OF THE STORIES I HAVE HEARD REFERING TO DRUG SEEKERS.

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