Why Do a Lot of Psychologists Send People to AA Even if They Are Atheists?

Question by Vernon: Why do a lot of psychologists send people to AA even if they are atheists?

Best answer:

Answer by Ray
AA is for alcoholics
Athiests have no religous beliefs.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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5 Responses to Why Do a Lot of Psychologists Send People to AA Even if They Are Atheists?

  • elaeblue says:

    I don’t know – AA is based on Christian beliefs but does work and maybe that is why. Go with what works.

  • queenb357 says:

    Because AA treats people who are addicted to alcohol, whatever their beliefs

  • batchuchi says:

    AA is a non-sectarian organization for alcoholics, meaning, people can come from different religions or have no religion at all.

  • cryabba088 says:

    AA is not religious based. One of the steps says something along the lines of “…Believing in a higher power…” it does not specify what/who only acknowledging there is something/someone out there. Besides AA works for many people, so why wouldn’t psychologist/counselors continue to use something that works?

  • Mona Lisa says:

    Because they don’t know any better or are indoctrinated themselves.

    I’d think any decent psychologist would consider the fact that his client was an atheist before sending them to a group that believes God gets you sober.

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