Where Do Canadian First Nations People Stand Today?

Question by Lisa: Where do Canadian First Nations people stand today?
Today First Nations People must deal with numerous problems. These problems include and are of course not restricted to alcoholism, drug abuse, family violence, poor nutrition and limited education. Through a historical prospective, how exactly all of these issues project until now? Or at leats until 2011.

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Answer by Ismael Serrano

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Families of Substance Users Part 1 – LastingRecovery.com – Judy Saalinger – Visit LastingRecovery.com or call 858-453-4315 to find the help you need. Part 1 of a 3-part Audio Program focusing on Families of Substance Abusers, with Dr…


GLCCB launches substance abuse program

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“Addiction is a family disease,” says Patout. “It affects everyone. When one member of the family succumbs to addiction, family roles evolve – sometimes without family members even realizing it. Participation in the family program during the treatment …
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