Where Can I Find State Funded Drug Rehab Programs ?

Question by uz2bafrk: Where can I find state funded drug rehab programs ?
The father of my 4 yr old child has recently hit rock bottom….He had to move cuz parents sold house, he lost his job, he was living in his car until someone called the police and had it towed away because he never registered it in his name…..My daughter loves her daddy, but he needs help. He wouldn’t be in this situation if he was clean…..( atleast i hope he wouldn’t) He’s willing to go into a program…But obviously can’t afford one… So I was wondering if there are any programs that are free…or payed by state… or something…Can anyone help ?

Best answer:

Answer by sweet sue
I found a privately funded treatment center in my state by calling AA ( in the phone book). They called me back and we talked along time about the problem and they directed me to several in the state. It was free but one of the requirements was that you ad to find a job and then pay $ 125 a week. But YOU had to earn the money, it couldn’t come from your family.

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