Where Can I Find a Good Drug (Crack Cocaine) Rehabilitation Place in Illinois or in Florida?

Question by Emily: Where can I find a good drug (crack cocaine) rehabilitation place in Illinois or in Florida?
My cousin has a serious addiction to crack cocaine. It has come to the time where she needs rehabilitation. She lives in Florida but has family in Illinois. Does anyone know of a good rehabilitation place (in-patient) in Florida or in Illinois where she can go for treatment? Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by TheCandyMan
Send her to Tijuana, Mexico !

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Ill. doc who dispensed more oxycodone from 2003-05 than any other physician

Filed under: Drug Addiction Illinois

“Volkman's actions created and prolonged debilitating addictions; distributed countless drugs to be sold on the street; and took the lives of numerous individuals who died just days after visiting him,” they said. The 64-year-old Volkman fired his …
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The He-Man Woman Haters Club

Filed under: Drug Addiction Illinois

Illinois prosecuted a woman for manslaughter after she gave birth to a stillborn baby. As of June, 38 states had passed "fetal homicide" laws. The consequences? Pregnant women who are suffering from drug addiction or mental illnesses are afraid to seek …
Read more on Huffington Post


Stagg parents hear of rising synthetic drug use

Filed under: Drug Addiction Illinois

Howe's organization works with community-based, substance abuse prevention and treatment agencies, which are being overwhelmed with demands for services as funding for their work has shrunk. The Illinois Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Association also …
Read more on SouthtownStar


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Drug Addiction Illinois http://t.co/JWDg19Ih – by rehab_center_us (Rehab Centers USA)