Where Can I Find a Doctor for Mathadone for Addiction?

Question by shannon: where can i find a doctor for mathadone for addiction?
i live in bloomington illinois..i need to find a doctor who will prescribe this.
i was addicted to oxycontin for a long time i am on suboxone right now and i take 3 8mg tablets under my tongue every day and it doesnt have the same effect it did 6 months ago and i am scared to go back to oxycontin, it was bad when i was addicted to that….i am looking to go on to methadone.

Best answer:

Answer by Graham
there is a new drug just like methadone but its called suboxone, and you have a less chance of becoming addicted to it, im talking about using it to get off of heroin

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Opening “Poverty in Chicago” PBS Documentary Drugs Addiction – Visit PovertyInChicago.com PBS Upcoming Broadcasts WTTW Chicago June 28, 2007, 10P.M. KPTS Wichita May 17, 2007, 9 P.M. KVIE Sacramento March 15th, 2007, 11 …