What Would You Include in a Drug Abuse Powerpoint?

Question by XX: What would you include in a drug abuse powerpoint?
I’m doing a power point project for health and I need to know the general topics I should cover on drug abuse. I already have the effects of drug abuse and its effect on the brain.
Thanks xx

Best answer:

Answer by Sir
Wow. I have also done this project not long ago. What i included in my powerpoint was that what type of drugs are legal and what types aren’t, you can also compare some drugs. For example which of these drugs does more damage to your body and how it affects your body. One last thing is that, talk about around which age people start to using drugs, and how often.

(Hint) be sure to talk about students on drug issues:)
hope this helped 🙂

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Drug Abuse and Effects – Sociological Concepts – Drugs Abuse and Their Effects. Sociological Concepts.