What Website Would Provide Downloadable Templates for an “Informed Consent to Treat” Document?

Question by iNsPiRiNgLiFe!: What website would provide downloadable templates for an “Informed Consent to Treat” document?
Basically, I am in school, in California, studying to be a Certified Alcohol And Drug Abuse Counselor (CADAAC) and am in need of inspiration to complete an assignment requiring me to compose an informed consent document. ANY help in regards to this dilemma would be appreciated. Please keep in mind I am in California so I need information pertaining to the laws in my state. Let me thank anyone who respond appropriately in advance-Thank You for your time!

Best answer:

Answer by aeriol7
you might start with this:
Health Care Directive Form from LawDepot.com
For information in your state if this is not applicable and you don’t see others that might help, look under this title… Medical Power of Attorney forms and look at the issues. Good Luck
Oh I forgot you could just about call up any hospital in your state and ask to speak with a person in charge in whats called; Quality Improvement department and ask them for advice or the Hospitals Risk Management Department.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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