What State Government Agency Funds Drug Rehab Centers?

Question by : What state government agency funds drug rehab centers?
I’m doing a report for my State and Local Government class and I can’t find what agency funds Drug and Alcohol rehab centers.

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Answer by Olivia

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California Drug Rehab Centers Alcohol Programs CA – Why to choose drug rehab centers and treatment programs in California CA? Call 1-877-576-5132 now or go to www.DrugRehabConsulting.com. This state has the highest number of outpatient programs or residential drug rehab facilities! World leading specialists successfully treat any substance abuse problem. So if you or a loved one trying to kick a cocaine, heroin, marijuana, meth, alcohol or prescription drug addiction, California is a great place for recovery. Drug rehab programs, Drug and alcohol detox centers in California offer a wide variety of screenings, individualized treatment plans and holistic approaches to drug addiction.


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