What Sign Is the Most Susceptible to Becoming a Drug addict/Alcoholic?

Question by Buffoon: What sign is the most susceptible to becoming a drug addict/Alcoholic?

…Or, if you have any friends who are either of these, what sign are they?

Best answer:

Answer by Marko
First place pisces,second place cancers

Add your own answer in the comments!


Honestly, You're Better Off Barefoot

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

Those people—you, if you're among them—need to face the reality that you are, in essence, going barefoot, and it's grossing the rest of us out. But as she goes on to state, the problem with flip-flops goes well beyond the fact that they are gross …
Read more on Raw Story


Kalamazoo surgeon studies burns in meth war

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

… they had been involved in meth production," Blostein said. There was one year when the team saw meth-burn patient numbers plummet, and he and colleagues thought the era of making meth in Michigan had waned. That was seven years ago. Continued.
Read more on Oakland Press