What Is the Main Difference Between Suboxone and Methadone?

Question by Elle: What is the main difference between Suboxone and Methadone?
From my research it seems that Suboxone is safer, fits into your life better (no standing in line at 5am) and does not have the severe withdrawals that methadone users experience. I would like some real life answers..it is to get off of the roller coaster of pain pill addiction. How expensive is Suboxone w/o insurance?

Best answer:

Answer by LoneRanger
sub is “easier’ to get, meaning you only need to see a doctor once a month to get it instead of going to a clinic daily.

However, they are both super long lasting opiates and both produce severe and very long lasting withdrawals once you try to discontinue them.

Most sub doctors are charging about $ 200 per office visit (for a 10 minute visit just to write a script) and the pills cost about $ 7 for an 8mg tablet at a pharmacy.

Getting off pain pills is a 30 day roller coaster ride, and getting off sub or methadone is a 2 year roller coaster ride…a very bumpy ride that most can’t tolerate.

You also will have all the same side effects on sub or methadone you have on pain pills, plus usually some new ones.

I would strongly recommend you look at other options. I went the sub route after being filled with lies from doctors about how great it is, and it robbed me of 5 years of my life.

If i had to do it all over again, I would go inpatient to detox for 30 days, or less, and be done with it. No one ever wants to go inpatient and be away from their family and loved ones for that long, but compared to sub or meth, 30 days of your life is a breeze.


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12 Responses to What Is the Main Difference Between Suboxone and Methadone?

  • meyerbailey420 says:

    Your amazing stay strong!!! Your story is amazingly helpfull. I wish i? could talk to you!!!

  • simon peter says:

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  • BuzzLyrica says:

    Are? you fucking retarted?

  • IlluminatedWhiteGuy says:

    Thank your government and big pharma! That’s why US marines are over in Afghanistan guarding the opium poppy fields! First for the illegal heroin industry to keep the fat billion dollar budgets flowing to the militarized police forces and second for the raw materials for the pharmaceuticals. Thebaine is one of the alkaloids in poppy straw used to concoct fentanyl and narcan and all the other? highly profitable enslavement compounds. No way out as your brain can no longer produce enough dopamine.

  • MsAquaLady1 says:

    I’m frightened!God has given me such strength all these? years to get through it all and be a good Mummy and a loving wife, also a painter/musician and be a missionary for the Lord.For months now I’m in bed mostly.Can you give me advice? And since you know some of what I’m going through, I thought we could pray for eachother.I serve a real God who isn’t still on a cross.He is alive and victorious!I talk to God when I pray because He enjoys a conversation; it’s not nice to hear ramblings and –

  • MsAquaLady1 says:

    I want to crawl in bed and hide away. I hurt so bad I can’t sit up long or walk around much.I feel faint always And have hot and cold sweats all the time.I have swishing sound? in my ears that goes with heart beet.I now see only double vision. Docs don’t know why so I’m being sent to neuralagist. I will be going for very painful operation on shoulder soon, and I’m worried because I’m on such high dosages for many years that they won’t be able give me enough pain meds to help the pain and so–

  • MsAquaLady1 says:

    Went back to normal dose.And in my ill state forgot when my patch was due and missed day or two!! I became horribly ill. My body went into spasm from my tongue and throat,down to my stomach and arms. Then my face and whole upper body was twitching and jerking! This was two days ago and I’m still very ill. I changed the patch and the? twitching stopped but didn’t go back to the larger dose of oxynorm.So..I’m still in withdrawal.my life is as you said,always having to make sure I have taken all–

  • MsAquaLady1 says:

    3yrs ago. It’s synthetic heroine! Also on oxynorm, solpadol which is 30mg codeine and paracetamol. (The same as your actedmetefen)not sure of spelling.Also anti-inflamatories,pump with steroid injections,pain? media for nerve pain, many types of drugs; at least 6 are addictive. Been on thm so long that they don’t work.It’s like they’re nothing. But now even before they’re due I start going through classic withdraw.My pain is so sever that I up my oxynorm(like oxicontin)by half for a week. Then —

  • MsAquaLady1 says:

    Thank you for sharing and reaching out! I broke my back in 1990.Had to slowly walk again over time. Been in and out of hospitals,months at a time.? Suffer excruciating nerve pain in my legs,feet, hips.All over now.My spine oslo fusing together crushing major nerves in the spine! I am getting worse! From crutches I’ve torn a rotatorcuff.That’s also agonizing.I’v been on loads of opiates! I where 75mg dtrans a transdermal patch, 100mg is the highest.Docs put me on it,I made them lower it 3yrs —

  • loko4civic says:


  • JTribzTV says:

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