What Is Really Going on With Demi Lovato? No Insults Toward Her Please, Just Answer…?

Question by ??????: What is really going on with Demi Lovato? No insults toward her please, just answer…?
I’ve heard that she cuts herself, she does drugs, that she’s pregnant, and has a problem with alcohol… Does anyone know any of them that are true? Or what is really up? My friend said that she hear on 3 different radio stations that she does cocaine but I don’t know if to believe that or not…. thanks in advanced?

Best answer:

Answer by Hannah
nnnooooo dont believe everything they say she only knows

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3 Responses to What Is Really Going on With Demi Lovato? No Insults Toward Her Please, Just Answer…?

  • laura says:

    none of those are actually true. she’s just having emotional problems. here’s the story :

    when demi and joe jonas were going out, she really had feelings for him, but he used her for publicity for the movie Camp Rock 2. he actually admited to her that he had no feelings, and was all for publicity. she had later on gotten emotional problems, and had went into rehab.

    that’s what i heard, maybe not true but that’s all that i got. haha. hope that i helped!

  • I'm Woody the Cowboy says:

    She got sexually molested by buzz lightyear. It’s true I saw it!

  • Maranda C says:

    No, the only one of the above that is true is the cutting, she also dealt with an eating disorder, I’m not sure if she still deals with the eating disorder or not, but those are the only two things that caused her to go to the rehab center.

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