What Happened in Conor Oberst’s Life That He Sings About?

Question by : What happened in Conor Oberst’s life that he sings about?
I know he had some shitty problems with love, but what? All the bios I find just tell about his musical career.

Best answer:

Answer by The Joker: Ace In The Hole
As well as relationship troubles, Conor has suffered depression on and off since the 90s which he sings about a lot in his early music with Bright Eyes.

Conor was a heroin and cocaine addict for a period of time in the early to mid 00s. Many of his songs make reference to addiction and drugs.
He travelled around the country and world in 2006 to ‘dry out’ and detox. He never entered a rehab as such, but went to Cassadaga where he went cold turkey. After this he went to Thailand and spent a period of time there trying to get healthy. This is documented in the album ‘Cassadaga’ most notably in the songs ‘Cleanse Song’ and ‘Coat Check Dream Song.’

Conor has also had drink problems and had to have his stomach pumped while in Chicago 2002. He was close to death. This is sung about in the song ‘Let’s Not Shit Ourselves.’ After this, Conor made an attempt to clean himself up.

He still drinks now (but not in excess) and is known to smoke the occasional joint, but on the whole, he is the healthiest and happiest he has been in a long time. This is also reflected in his most recent music with Monsters of Folk and the Mystic Valley band. A good song that gives an idea of where Conor is at right now is ‘Milk Thistle.’

: )

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