What Does It Take to Stop Crips and Bloods From Killing Each Other?

What Does It Take to Stop Crips and Bloods From Killing Each Other?

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

A 2009 Pew Research Center study found that just 14 percent of African-Americans had a great deal of confidence in the proposition that their local police officers treated blacks and whites equally, compared with 38 percent of whites who thought so …
Read more on New York Times


Addicts and Wolves: An Unlikely Pair

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

… program with a set of “wolf principles,” or lessons humans can learn from wolves. Wolf Connection now serves a number of specialized populations, ranging from abused and neglected foster care children and juvenile delinquents to veterans with post …
Read more on PsychCentral.com (blog)


How Kiyoshi Izumi Built the Psych Ward of the Future by Dropping Acid

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

It was then only a matter of time before Izumi earned praise for the apparent humanity within his acid architecture, and also skepticism, still aired today, over the alleged problem-solving potential of his mind-altering drug of choice and the true …
Read more on Motherboard (blog)



Holistic Treatment to Addiction: Holistic Treatment at Clarity Way – Found of Clarity Way drug and alcohol rehab center, Justin Daniels, explains the benefits of holistic treatment and settles the dispute of how it works in re…