What Are the Signs That a Person Is Drug Addicted and Needs Addiction Treatment?

Question by aiyanna le: What are the signs that a person is drug addicted and needs addiction treatment?
I have a feeling that one of my friends is doing heroin because he’s been hanging out lately with some people who are addicted to that drug. How do I know for sure?

Best answer:

Answer by blanca b
A change in your friend’s appearance could be a tell-tale sign that he’s doing heroin. Are his eyes always red and his pupils dilated? Has he suddenly lost or gained weight? Assess your friend’s personality as well. Is he normally harmless but turned obnoxious? Are his grades suddenly declining? You can also be on the lookout for various drug paraphernalia– goils, tourniquets, pipes, syringes. If these signs are present in your friend, talk to him and get him to realize what he’s doing to himself. I do hope he’s not doing drugs, though.

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