What Are the Medications Being Used for Addiction Treatment?

Question by darian f: What are the medications being used for addiction treatment?
I have an acquaintance who does heroin and have just started going to an addiction treatment program. I was surprised to know that they are being made to take medication. What is this for and what are the usual drugs that are used for addiction treatments.

Best answer:

Answer by alani ts
Methadone is the drug usually used for heroin addiction. Medication is needed in order to return the body and brain’s functioning back to its normal, healthy state. It also suppresses withdrawal symptoms and relieves craving, thus keeping the patient from wanting to take heroin again. Other medications used for addiction treatment are buprenorphine, naltrexone, and naloxone (for cases of overdose). There are also some other drugs that are being studied by experts to determine if they will be effective in the treatment of heroin addiction.

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Quality, Not Quantity, of Cravings Predicts Relapse

Filed under: drug addiction treatment

There is a large volume of research on addiction, and more specifically, the mechanisms that cause relapse in individuals undergoing drug addiction treatment. The majority of people who enter a rehabilitation program also begin substance addiction …
Read more on GoodTherapy.org (blog)


From Twitter:

Drug Abuse Treatment, Best Way to Recover From Addiction http://t.co/PQYFQFf6 – by Martizc75 (Marti Condict)

From Twitter:

Drug Abuse Treatment, Best Way to Recover From Addiction http://t.co/MX6Tlr8G – by Filomenatm760 (Filomena Overbee)

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Social Media Has Similar Effects of Drug Use? – http://t.co/bFZjH0DW via @treatmentby liconference (LI Conference)