What Are Some Interview Questions I Can Ask a Foundation About Over the Counter Drug Abuse With Teens?

Question by : What are some interview questions i can ask a foundation about Over The Counter Drug Abuse with teens?
i’m going to email this guy that is in charge of the foundation but i need more question to send him, i have a couple but i need more! so i can get more info to put into my news article that is Due NEXT WEEK! help**

Best answer:

Answer by Hope
The medications that teens abuse, what sorts of results from the drugs are teens seeking?

What are the top 10 over the counter drugs teens abuse?

Are you aware of any specific people in your life who are abusing OTC drugs?

What do you think? Answer below!



Celebrities and Drug Abuse: Amy Winehouse – FOX 9-TV interviews Dr. Joe Lee regarding Amy Winehouse’s death. Dr. Lee explains that the creative industry allows people to flounder for longer than other industries. For more information about Hazelden, please visit www.hazelden.org or call 800-257-7810.


Veterans need assistance with mental health, homeless issues

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