What Am I Supposed to Do After My Life Inside a Drug Rehab?

Question by brad: What am I supposed to do after my life inside a drug rehab?
I just got out of a drug rehab. I feel good and I think I made the right choice. What am I supposed to do now? I’m 21 years old and I know that I have a good life ahead of me but I just can’t seem to figure out where to start. I can’t even go back to my old friends. They’re still holding pot sessions. I don’t want to risk my recent recovery. Any suggestions on what I can do to continue a healthy life?

Best answer:

Answer by andie
Congratulations for making it! It’s always nice to hear news about people winning their fight against drugs. I think it’s a good decision to stay away from your pot-smoking old friends but if you really want to be a friend, I think you should take the initiative and convince them to enter a drug rehab too. Tell them about what you’ve been through and where you are now. There’s nothing better than helping other people get out of a bad habit.

You’re pretty young. Have you ever been to college? I think you should try it. I think it will do you well (just stay away from other pot-smoking people, okay?). If you want to, you can also get a job or something. Earn money by doing something you love. You can also do sports like football or badminton. If you want, you can pick a new hobby. Try painting or drawing. If you’re into music, you can also learn how to play a new instrument. Just have fun and live life but make sure you do it the right way.

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