Website to Help Parents Talk About Drugs

Website to help parents talk about drugs

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

But the Australian Drug Foundation wants families to start having a different, but equally tricky conversation. The foundation has launched a website aimed at arming parents with the information about alcohol and drug abuse. Drug Foundation chief …
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Women join forces to target addiction

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

And while that may difficult for most parents to understand, Andrea May said addiction will drain everything out of you, even your will to live. The 31-year-old Kenova native is nearing her five-year anniversary of being sober. She also … The group …
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Dr. Carlene Wilson, Wellness Corner, 07/09/13

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

Many needless tragedies could be prevented if teens understood the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse and received the help they need. In 2012 … They are excited about trying new things, and feel a need to assert their independence from their parents.
Read more on Citrus County Chronicle



What Parents Need to Know About Prescription Drug Abuse – What Parents Need to Know About Prescription Drug Abuse.