Want to Become a Police Officer…first Time I Posted It Didnt Show?

Question by Cassie-Dane & Bully Breed lover: want to become a police officer…first time I posted it didnt show?

so I have a bunch of questions about becoming a police officer.
I’ll first start with telling you about my past

I have a family history full of mental health issues, I myself am diagnosed with Bipolar, but am wondering how true that is.
I have attempted suicide in the past, more as a cry for help than actually wanting to die.
I have done drugs in the past, marijuana and have tried cocaine. I have also drinken underage (I am 18)
my life has changed a lot since then. I no longer do any of those things, and do not want to. I will wait to drink (if I ever really do again) until I am 21, and only socially.
I have stolen before, havent in quite a few years (that was yet another thing I did when I was in my ‘rebel’ stage)
I smoke cigarettes.
I am not into sports, I’ve never been into them, but I do enjoy running and other forms of exercise.
I have family who have committed felony’s and what not. (one of my cousins is in jail due to unlawful discharge of a fire arm…he shot at his ex, and he is going to jail again somewhere else for robbing a man in chicago of a few dollars)
but I have never been arrested or convicted of anything.
there is alcoholism and drug addictions in my family.
I HAVE provided cigarettes to a minor in my past.

I have changed a lot. I no longer do those bad things. that was a phase.

I really want to be a police officer because I respect them, and I love to help people and keep them safe.

with my past, do you think I would be allowed to be a police officer?
also, besides criminal justice and going to a police acadamy, what schooling would one need? I have a very high GPA (4.0 of 4.0) but did not do well on my ACT

my aunt and uncle are police officers in a different state, and I look up to them and other police officers that I know

I also know that there are cops who do not follow the rules, and I would NOT be one of them.

is it OK that I would hesitate to shoot a human or a dog?
and is it ok if I know people who do and sell drugs?
also- if I was to ‘bust’ someone I knew for something, whether it be speeding or drugs, would it be appropriate if I asked another officer to step in if I felt I could not arrest them (my aunt said thats what they do in AZ…but I would be a police officer in IL where I live)

please and thank you.

and if you have ANY advice/constructive criticism, feel free to give it
depending on the situation is when I would hesitate
well guys, I found out people with bi polar CAN be cops

Best answer:

Answer by Kristy
I am not in law enforcement, but I think you would do a good job as a social worker or something along those lines especially if you have had past mental health issues and would hesitate to shoot and know druggies and things like that. You seem to have a real desire to help people and that is why I think you would be great as a social worker of some kind. I wish you the best of luck :O)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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