Twin Cities: Somali Drug Counselor Relishes Her New Role

Twin Cities: Somali drug counselor relishes her new role

Filed under: drug abuse help centers for pregnant women

She counsels pregnant and post-partum women at RESOURCE's Recovery Resource Center in Minneapolis. She also is a drug counselor at American Indian Community Development Corp. Budul's down-to-earth approach help her relate to everyone, said …
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Prescription Drug Abuse Declines, Marijuana Use Still Common

Filed under: drug abuse help centers for pregnant women

The decline is particularly exciting, because this is a cohort where most substances are abused and a lot mental health disorders occur, said Dr. H. Westley Clark, director of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Center for …
Read more on Clinical Psychiatry News Digital Network


For 40 years, St. Paul clinic has dispensed hope

Filed under: drug abuse help centers for pregnant women

Help can come in the form of prenatal care, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, bus fare, money for college application fees or just a comfortable spot for an afternoon nap. Executive Director … The clinic started in 1972, a …
Read more on Minneapolis Star Tribune


Camden in talks to set up a diversionary program for the city's prostitutes

Filed under: drug abuse help centers for pregnant women

She would like to have a program similar to one in Dallas, which would address the women's addiction and abuse issues by sending them to treatment instead of jail. “You are seeing the same face over and over again,” Antinore said. One of those repeat …
Read more on Philadelphia Inquirer (blog)



SHERIFF DART OPENS NEW JAIL SPACE FOR PREGNANT WOMEN – Pregnant women awaiting trial at the Cook County Jail will now be housed together in one area specifically designed to meet their pre-natal needs, part of a unique program unveiled Thursday by Cook County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart. The program was developed after two years of planning and the tier is fully staffed not only by correctional officers, but also by medical and nursing staff, along with case managers, counselors, mental health professionals and substance abuse counselors. That combined effort is aimed at guiding the women through a healthy pregnancy, providing them with the tools they need to further enhance their parenting skills and the motivation to become successful members of their communities. “As we looked at the special needs of pregnant women in our custody, we started a dialogue about the steps we could take to ensure they deliver healthy babies and ways we can help them understand that the decisions they make are not only affecting themselves, but someone else, as well,” Dart said. “This program is really a step toward breaking the cycles we’re starting to see far too often with our female detainees.” The number of mothers behind bars is growing at a staggering rate — a recent study showed they represent the nation’s fastest-growing prison population. More than 150000 children have mothers who are now incarcerated. It also revealed the loss of a mother to incarceration leads to unique and significant long-term traumas to a child. The Cook County Jail