This Week in Poverty: A Wake-Up Call on Housing and Homelessness

This Week in Poverty: A Wake-Up Call on Housing and Homelessness

Filed under: addiction help nyc

He developed the “Housing First” model for the most severely psychiatrically disabled and addicted homeless people in New York City. It first provides a person with an apartment, and then combines that housing with comprehensive services in mental and …
Read more on The Nation. (blog)


A Former Judge of the Day Admits He's Been 'Addicted to Porn' Since Childhood

Filed under: addiction help nyc

From the Sun-Times: Judge Joseph Polito. A Will County judge who secretly viewed hard-core pornography on his courthouse computer fought back tears Thursday as he confessed he'd been addicted to porn since he was a little boy. … Polito claims he's in …
Read more on Above the Law


Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson latest news: Rob talks porn, 'Girls Gone Wild'

Filed under: addiction help nyc

… choose the spot for the film and could either keep the money or donate it to charity. While the comments were made in fun and Pattinson has yet to acknowledge the offer with a reply, it should be pointed out that for many couples, porn can become a …



How To Stop Drinking Alcohol Fast – The Easy And Safe Way, Using Hypnosis ! – – “I Stopped Drinking After 22 Years After Seeing The Professor at the NYC Hypnosis Center. After the first session, we cleared up issues resulting from my domineering mom and my people pleaser personality. I am able to go out, enjoy life now, without having to please everyone around me. Without resorting to alcohol.” 22 years … Gail went into rehab TWICE, did a few stints in jail thanks to DUIs And DWI’s …. Almost lost her family ….. And the lying was out of control. “AA only got me so far. The rehabs were a joke. Even jail time didn’t stop me. Hypnotherapy was the only thing that worked. It wasn’t the drinking, that was the result of how I suppressed how I felt about myself.” Professor john Petrocelli of the New York city Hypnosis center and Brian K. – NY Hypnotist will help you to end the drinking habit forever, the need for drink, the want and desire to destroy your life and your families. Stop/ Quit the drinking habit today. Call 212 964 4450 today.