The Egg & I: How an Experimental Treatment for Major Depression Introduced Me

The Egg & I: How an experimental treatment for major depression introduced me

Filed under: drug treatment centers in tennessee

I volunteered once a week in a downtown church basement that doubled as a homeless services center, the only place I felt a sense of belonging or acceptance. And that's where things could have stalled for a very … But perhaps the strangest thing …
Read more on Austin Chronicle


Cases reported in stomach bug outbreak top 600

Filed under: drug treatment centers in tennessee

According to statistics released Wednesday from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least 40 people, or 9 percent, have been hospitalized with severe cases of cyclospora infection. No deaths have been reported. The source of … 9 …
Read more on MyFox Austin


GTx, Inc. Sued by Investor

Filed under: drug treatment centers in tennessee

SAN DIEGO and MEMPHIS, Tenn., Aug. 29, 2013 … GTx develops and commercializes small molecules for the treatment of cancer, cancer supportive care, and other serious medical conditions. … GTx announced that the clinical trials for enobosarm failed …
Read more on SYS-CON Media (press release)



Ogden Rehab Center for Drug and Alcohol Addiction 801-475-HOPE with Cathy Perry – Action Recovery Group intensive outpatient program provides a highly effective, compassionate, and accessible source for drug and alcohol treatment in the Og…