war on drugs

Why Would Any Support the War on Drugs and Marajuanna Prohibiton?

Question by Person Person: Why would any support the war on drugs and marajuanna prohibiton?
Marajuanna is a naturally grown substance, its been around for thousands of years and there is never been a single death from it. Advil, caffeine, alochol, tobbacco, etc are legal and have caused many deaths. Laws are supposed to protect people, and You are not harming anyone by smoking weed. Prohibition has caused much harm though. More than half the people in prision are in there for drugs, prisions have becomed so crowded that rapists and murderers are being realsed to put weed smokers in jail. It is also very expensive to keep people in jail. So why are police looking for harmless weed smokers when there are dangerous murderers and rapists. Because weed is illegal, people use it to make money on the black market, because of this, kids have easy acces to weed and other drugs, drugs are much easier to get than cigarettes. The war on drugs and the DEA has also done nothing but harm, look at all the Mexicans that are dead because of it. If weed were llegal, the overcrowded prision problems would be solved, Mexican drug cartels would go down, it would be harder for kids to have acces to, hard drugs useage would go down, the government could put a huge tax on it, there would be many new jobs.

Why Do Drug Addiction Treatments Cost Much?

Question by aracely s: Why do drug addiction treatments cost much?
I was just wondering about this since thousands of dollars seem like so much money.

Best answer:

Answer by arlyn w
Drug addiction treatments cost much because a lot of factors are involved when treating a patient. Medication and payment for counseling and therapy costs much. But studies have shown that a full year of methadone maintenance treatment would cost a lot less than a year of imprisonment. Besides, this is someone’s life that’s on the line. What’s a thousand dollars compared to leading a sober, happy, addiction-free life?

Is Marijuana an “ok” Drug?

Question by Amber: Is marijuana an “ok” drug?
Some people think it’s ok to smoke weed, and a lot of times it’s socially accepted. What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by superrelax
i’ve smoked herb for a long time. im healthy and successful…and i won’t be dying of cigarette-related cancer anytime soon, either. know the facts: there are zero reported marijuana induced deaths per year. AND i’ve never tried any other drugs in my life. so, if you want to label anything as dangerous, label the ones that warrant that label: alcohol and cigarettes. not to mention the people who find a better alternative to prescription drugs in marijuana to relieve pain caused by such things as cancer, glaucoma, MS…the list can go on.

Does the Gov Keep Drugs Illegal So Prices Wont Drop & They Can Keep Finding Rooms Stacked With Untracable CASH

Question by #1Patriot: Does The Gov keep Drugs illegal So prices wont drop & they can keep finding Rooms Stacked with untracable CASH
The Gov. has admitted that the war on drugs can not be won and it is a well known fact that if drugs were legal most kids would not even try them to start (Loses the rebellion factor). Other countries have stopped spending $ Billions on enforcement and put that $ into education and treatment all but eliminating drug abuse in these counties. More than 1/2 of the people in American prisons are there on drug convictions,is there a link between the $ being made by those who build and supply the prisons and the donations they make to our law makers. Mexico was 1 day from legalizing small amounts of drug possession to stop all killing in there country, Bush called the President of Mexico and the next day that plan was scrapped, If you follow the $ who stands to lose the most after the Drug cartels who would be put out of biz if drugs were legal?

Conservatives: How Can You Be Against an Authoritarian Government and for the War on Drugs?

Question by josh: Conservatives: How can you be against an authoritarian government and for the War on Drugs?
The Burns act signed by Reagan which allows local police to acquire military weaponry such as fully automatic assault rifles, grenades and even tanks for the purpose of drug enforcement.

Stop & Frisk made Famous by Mayor Bloomburg in NYC but has been enacted in nearly every inner city in the country. Clear violation of your constitutional right to be protected against unlawful search and seizure

Did I Misread This Morning or Is Part of Obama’s New War on Drugs Is Having Doctors Test Us for Drug Use?

Question by Loosid: Did I misread this morning or is part of Obama’s new war on drugs is having doctors test us for drug use?
Youre right Tony, there was not the exact verbiage of “mandatory drug tests” However, there was verbiage of *having doctors screen for drug use* Is this a much different thing? Nice try quickly deflecting this verbiage that if from the Bush admin would make the progressives heavily question it.

Best answer:

Answer by Kink
sh*t…anyone got any suregel?

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