treatment programs

Are There Any Drug Treatment Programs Offered in Ellsworth, Maine?

Question by cal: Are there any drug treatment programs offered in Ellsworth, Maine?
I’ve noticed a lot of changes in my cousin Billy. He seems really lightheaded but rather feeble. He told me that he’s having digestive problems too for he’s often nauseous or constipated. I’ve also observed that he’s having slight problems when it comes to eating. It appears as if he can’t swallow his food well. Just last night, I’ve noticed some changes in his skin color. It appears a bit yellowish to me. After weeks of pestering, he finally admitted the reason for all of those things. He told me that he’s into Hydrocodone. We talked about it and he said that the addiction started out as a simple dare from his friends. I’ve already convinced him into applying for a treatment program and he said he wants a place near to home. Can anybody help us?

In 10 – 15 Lines Critically Discuss 5 Ways in Which Substance Abuse Impacts on the Community?

Question by Matshidi: In 10 – 15 lines critically discuss 5 ways in which substance abuse impacts on the community?
Under the heading “SUBSTANCE ABUSE”

Best answer:

Answer by Indiana Frenchman
choose as you may; the web page (below) presents: Community Impact of Drug Abuse

Increased Heroin Use Draws Attention in California

Increased heroin use draws attention in California

Filed under: drug treatment programs located in covina

It's definitely one of the top four drugs being smuggled into California." — California … SB973, by Sen. Ed Hernandez, D-Covina, removes the currently required seven-day waiting period between detoxification treatments in narcotic treatment programs.
Read more on Fresno Bee



addiction – Addiction Prevention PSA by Cory Jacobsen, Kasandra Jensen, Desiree Johnson.


Does Anyone Know of a Low Cost or No Cost Rehab in Southern California?

Question by worriedsister: Does anyone know of a low cost or no cost rehab in southern california?
My brother is addicted to drugs and alcohol and needs help. He is not working and we cannot afford to place him in a private facility.

Best answer:

Lung Diseases: I Have a Lung Disease Called Bronchiectasis, They Have Tried Most Everything to Help Me Breathe

Question by Goodbye: Lung diseases: I have a lung disease called Bronchiectasis, they have tried most everything to help me breathe
But, to no avail nothing seems to be working. Anyone know of anyone that has this and if so, what treatments seem to work. I am 35 and they say i won’t live to see 40.

Best answer:

What Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center Do?

Question by : what drug and alcohol rehabilitation center Do?

Best answer:

Answer by James Ronn
They provide treatment for drug and alcohol addiction.They follow their program in various steps.Some one told me about an rehab centre which usses different types of treatment programs for addictions.And by this life of an addictions gets fine .

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