treating addiction

What Is the Best Way to Go Cold Turkey From My Alcohol Addiction?

Question by brutus: What is the best way to go cold turkey from my alcohol addiction?
I am trying to dry out. I should not be drinking really at all cause i have other health problems. I was going to buy a bottle of lucozade tommorrow to help me. I have a large bottle of cold water in my fridge and will sip on that some. – any tips

Best answer:

Answer by meanK
First of all, I would like to say that it’s great that you are trying to kick the habit.

Try AA, at least you will have some support.

Pastors Advocate and Educate on Addiction Issues

Pastors advocate and educate on addiction issues

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

Renee Splichal Larson, head of the Heart River Bridges of Hope program which mentors juvinile offenders, believes an important part of treating addictions, especially for youth, is helping those struggling with addiction find faith communities that are …
Read more on Bismarck Tribune


Scourge of heroin rears its ugly head

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

By combining addiction treatment medications with behavioral therapy, patients stand the best chance at recovery, research indicates. Drug addiction can be managed successfully, the NIDA states, and relapse does not signal treatment failure but rather …
Read more on Bradenton Herald

Portland Brain Surgeon and Senate Candidate Dislikes Obamacare, but Would

Portland brain surgeon and Senate candidate dislikes Obamacare, but would

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association

You may not want a plan that includes all those essential benefits. It's forcing men to pay for maternity care and people without drug problems to pay for substance abuse treatment. People are being mandated into what plans they can purchase. I think …
Read more on Portland Business Journal (blog)


Election 2013: Common Pleas Court race set

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association

Are There Any Addiction Treatment Programs Offered in Albany?

Question by joy: Are there any addiction treatment programs offered in Albany?
I’m from Albany, New York and I want to enroll in a addiction treatment program. I’m not an alcoholic or a drug addict. I just want to learn more about the nature of addiction treatment programs because I’m doing a documentary about it. It will really mean a lot to me if anyone replied. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by marty
You’re doing a documentary? That’s really cool. Can I help? I know a bit about treatment programs because I researched about it (my brother’s into steroids). I’ll post some sources about facilities that offer addiction treatment programs. I’m pretty sure there’s one in Albany. Good luck with your documentary! I hope it turns out great.

ACLU Insists That Transgender Man Be Allowed to Use Women's Bathroom

ACLU insists that transgender man be allowed to use women's bathroom

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association

Wilson was born male and is four years into a hormone therapy process designed to transform him into a female. However, he hasn't undergone gender reassignment surgery. He is taking classes so he can become a licensed practical nurse. School officials …
Read more on Daily Caller


Substance Misuse Treatment Likely To Be Transformed by ACA

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association

Farley Center Offers New Options for Those Struggling With Addiction in Virginia

Farley Center Offers New Options for Those Struggling with Addiction in Virginia

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

The Farley Center at Williamsburg Place, recognized nationwide for their successful programs treating addiction, has launched a new intensive outpatient program (IOP) for those who struggle with moderate or early stages of substance abuse. The program …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Pine Grove's Sexual Addiction Treatment Program Planning Name Change

Filed under: drug abuse treatment