the police

Report Drug Traffic/Dealing Anonymously in Chicago?

Question by Hellion666: Report Drug Traffic/Dealing Anonymously in Chicago?
Hi, I’ve been recently noticing a lot of problems in my neighborhood. I used to find a page where to report drug traffic along with activity and what’s going on anonymously in Chicago/IL but I haven’t found anything. I tried the numbers on the police official sites and doesn’t seem active. I would like to know if there is anyplace where I can report the activity going on so that the police can come and take a look. I don’t want the activity to spread nor cause any increase in violence or gang activity so I at least want to help put an end to it before it spreads further. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.

I Know Its Long but PLEASE Take the Time to Read and Help With Your Advice. This Is a 911 Crisis for Us!!!?

Question by amberhay2602: I know its long but PLEASE take the time to read and help with your advice. This is a 911 crisis for us!!!?
Hi my name is Amber and I am desperate for help for my 31 year old sister. She is in jail right now on very serious charges of child endangerment and possession of a controlled substance. She has two boys a 3 year old and a 2 year old. When her first son was 3 months old she found out she was pregnant again. Her body, hormones and emotional state of mind never recovered from her first pregnancy before she was pregnant again. She went into a serious case of postpartum depression. Work was out of the question for her because of these two young babies. She never got to enjoy her first son like what I feel she should of because of the youngest needing so much attention being a new born. She began to self medicate with xanax and it did seem to help at first but it soon became a very bad problem The father worked offshore and was gone all the time to support his family..Her and the kids and the father lived with us in Fl until about 6 months ago and we all knew how depressed she was so he moved them out to Ala in a beautiful home and tried to give them a better life. This really made it worst because now her and the kids are all alone out their and she no longer had her family and friends . She sunk more into her depression and into her medication. Things quickly took a turn for the worst. She got caught with some painkillers and got arrested for driving under the influence with her children in the car. She went to jail and we bailed her out and she was ordered to probation and something called drug court where she had to do a urine test once a week. We thought this would stop her and scare her straight… It did not… She went to a doctor who come to find out he is what you call a script doc who writes scripts for cash. She got prescription for loritabs and xanax. She let the drug court people know that she got her scripts and she thought she found a way to beat the system.. They also made her attend drug classes she only told them about her xanax and failed to mention her loitabs which is a pain killer because that what she got caught with so if they found out about them they would make her stop taking them. Needless to say they tested here there and she failed for the hydrocodien (loritabs) if the truth was known she was probably nodding out from her xanax and they tested her and of course she was dirty. So, now she violated her probation. She went to jail that day but was allowed to be signed out until her court date this coming Jan. Well, with all this trouble she has gotten in her head is really messed up and let me mention my sister has never been in trouble before this. Drugs have made her a totally different person. She was a straight A student growing up. A very reasonable person and a loving mother as time went on a the drug dependency got worst. I’m sad to say but the pills became number one for her. To get to my point . Last week she was arrested for leaving her 3 year old son in the car strapped into the seat belt in the car asleep in her drive way over night. The car door was left open and he was left in there for about 12 hours over night when a neighbor found him and called the police. They found her passed out on the hall way floor in her house closed to a overdosed and her 2 year old was on the couch a sleep. I believe she got the 2 year old out and was going back to get the 3 year old and passed out that’s why the door was left open. Words cant describe the anger we felt towards her for doing this. She could have killed him. We have left her in jail for what she has done to her kids. But she needs HELP desperately she is now possibly facing prison for what she has done but my sister never in her right mind do this to her kids. She loves those boys more then life its self and they love their mommy just the same . They were together 24-7 their whole life. This has ruined all of our lives. We have her children and they are fine. Lucky they are so young they dont understand what is happening and hopefully it wont scare them because I believe they wont remember this. I dont feel she needs prison but a rehab. At Least a year or longer. She is sick and anyone who knows about drug addiction knows it is a disease and a sickness. At that point she was incapable of taking care of them and passed out. She was probably close to dieing herself. I’m not sure but we have heard that she mixed methadone with her xanax that night. That is a deadly combination and she almost killed her children and herself. We need advice on what to do to help her get the help she needs. We wont get her out of jail because we know she has to pay for what she did to them babies but prison is not the answer. I feel that will only make it worst and not help the underlying problem of the depression that turned into a horrible drug addiction. This story has been all over the news radio and the papers here in Fl and Ala. You can go to Baldwin county in Alabama news website and see the whole story.

Should Convicted Rapists Be Allowed to Live in a Halfway House for Recovering Addicts?

Question by ??????? Mrs. Moses ???????: Should convicted rapists be allowed to live in a halfway house for recovering addicts?
A close male member of my immediate family currently lives in a halfway house, after completing a 28-day drug addiction in-patient treatment program. He has lived in the house, which holds a maximum of 13 men, for 5 months now, and will have completed the 6 month program very soon. It is important to him for personal and legal reasons that he stay living in the house until he completes the program. He is serious about his recovery, and has been working hard to change his old behaviors, ways of thinking, and coping mechanisms. He does everything he is supposed to do, including regularly attending NA meetings, keeping with the house rules, and being open about his thoughts, feelings, fears, etc. All in all, he is really on the right path for lifelong recovery. Recently a man in his late 40’s moved into the house. We will call him “James.” Shortly after James moved into the house, another resident was checking the Maryland sex offender registry, out of curiosity, to see how many sex offenders were living close by. He then made the shocking discovery that James was registered. He wasn’t extremely troubled until he read the details. James is registered as a “Sexually Violent Offender” and his charge is listed as Rape: 2nd Degree. My relative and I looked up James on the Maryland Judiciary Case Search for more detail on his charges. This is what we found:

Solutions to Child Abuse?

Question by JessicaLauren;: Solutions to Child Abuse?
I am writing this ten page essay about Child Abuse. And my third chapter has to be my solution for it. I can’t really think of any solutions. There really is none. I mean, you can’t have the law living with you, making sure you don’t abuse your child. So, i have listed some preventions. But can anyone give me some feedback? It would be greatly appreciated. This is an intense topic. I just need some solutions. Please and thank you in advance. 🙂
I don’t need to know what to do AFTER the abuse. I need ways to prevent it BEFORE it happens.
See, this is where i am struggling. I can think of multiple ways to help after the abuse, but it is very hard to find ways to prevent it before abuse. I need some help. Anyone?

What Are the Responsibilities of ER Doctor?

Question by student: what are the responsibilities of ER doctor?
I need medical answer with all ER doctor duties that you can give. Its my home work.

Best answer:

Answer by candleinthewind7579
The duties of an ER doctor are to assess and diagnose a patients illness or injury, order appropriate scans or tests to aid in diagnosis and treatment, treat if possible, evaluate results and possibly call for a consultation with a specialist or surgeon. They are also expected (as are nurses) to recognize symptoms and patterns of alcohol and/or drug abuse, child abuse, spousal abuse, rape, and molestation, and report to the police or other authorities if a crime has been committed

How Do People Survive in Jail/Prison?

Question by days_o_work: How do people survive in Jail/Prison?
I was locked up in a Michigan Jail for about 13 hours one time, not even a full day, and it nearly drove me insane. Maybe I’m just “soft” but a month in there would have driven me nuts. How do people survive in there.
Thanks for the answers.. My trip thru hell started as an arrest for felony assault which I later pleaded down to misdemeanor aggrivated assault. I basically blew my temper one day at a random stranger and apparently scared the bejesus out of him, so he promptly told the police. There was no physical contact or anything but they still ran me thru as a felony.