the police

Why Do People Complain About Stop and Frisk? NYC?

Question by Donovan: Why do people complain about stop and frisk? NYC?
I was in my Sociology class and we were talking about stop and frisk and how it racially targets people. In NYC there are a lot of black and latinos and in the city, they are the ones who commit most of the crimes so it would make sense for them to be the ones most likely to be searched. I don’t think it racially targets people, I just think it targets people who look like a thug to be honest. Plus if you don’t have anything on you, then what do you have to worry about? Crime has also gone down. I have heard about a cop planting something on someone but it’s annoying when every criminal tries to use that excuse when they get caught with drugs (with intent to sell).

Getting Help for My Sister (Rehab)?

Question by ariel: Getting help for my sister (Rehab)?
My sister is a combination of things…

Drugs, Sex, Alcohol, and according to the police arrest suspected for prostitution.

My sister does not have a job has no future planned out and she is a high school dropout. The only thing good in her life is the roof over her head.

Myself and my brother are tired of her stupidity and want to get her help but don’t know how to go about that. Should we have her see a psychologist before rehab and see what they suggest?


Question by feelings_mutual: DRUG ADDICTION! Please help!?
My mother in law is on 2 different pain pills lyrica muscle relaxers and adderal. she gets so drugged up sometimes she passes out for days. she takes care fo her grandchild who is 5 months old and falls asleep on her almost drops her when she holds her. she smokes also and she will light up a ciggarette and we have to watch her because she will drop it while its lit. she dropped one the other day and we put it out and she didnt wake up for 10 minutes. then she woke up and tried finding it. she sleeps sitting up and falls forward and hits her head on the table sometimes. we are worried she is going to kill the baby or set the house on fire. her husband tries talking to her but she act like the usual addict. saying she has no problems and gets mad and acts like a 5 year old. shes also bi-polar. she gets 120 painpills (60 of 2 types) 60 adderal and 60 muscle relaxers. we live in arkansas. we are very tired and its hard to stay up for days watching her to make sure she doesnt do anything to hurt out house or herself. what can we do? can we addmit her to a hospital without her permission? her doctor is crappy and just hands her these pills. she also takes her brothers and mom pain pills through out the month. she runs out of pills with in a week of getting them. she take them on average about every 4 hours. we really need help. we cant do this anymore. ive looked stuff up online but cant find what im looking for. what can we do? what would happen if we called 911 while shes drugged up? were lost.
Your answer is perfect, no not my child. its my sister in laws and i am equally upset that she would trust her new born with a druggie. i know what adderal is (methamphetamine causes a high people take to do stuff, same as meth) but she takes two other pain pills with that. i am thankful you answered. wonderful information. i really hope we can help her. shes a very loving person and we hate seeing her struggle.

Why Do Cops Claim That Drugs, Inanimate Objects, Cause Violence in Mexico?

Question by Kops = scum.: Why do cops claim that drugs, inanimate objects, cause violence in mexico?
When it is the prohibition of the drugs that cause the violence, not the drugs themselves? Marijuana doesn’t make one behead people, kill them etc. Billions of dollars in profit do. Why do cops claim that the drugs are causing the violence when in fact there would be no cartels and no violence if there was no prohibition?
Oh I see lolwtf, you’re just a hero saving people from themselves. Thank you for all you do. I didn’t realize a person was better off with a permanent felony record (never being able to get a job again) than they were with treatment. Also, Portugal legalized all drugs and their use went down. So you’re theory that legalization will lead to more use overall is just that, a baseless theory with no facts to back it up. Did YOU go to school? Congratulations for being directly responsible for crime, poverty, gangs and violence by practicing your profession and perpetuating lies about those suffering from addiction. I’m much more intelligent than you, so don’t try me.

Juvenile Rehab Record for Police Academy?

Question by Skittles: Juvenile rehab record for Police Academy?
I’m 23 and I’m preparing to enter the police academy. I haven’t applied yet but I have a question about the background check. When I was 14-15 I entered a rehabilitation clinic for minor drug use and also entered a mental health facility for depression (both voluntary). I was in the rehab for two weeks and the mental health facility for about a week. I haven’t had any problems since and have used no drugs since. Since it happened when I was a juvenile, will the police academy still be able to access those records and if they can will they hold it against me? I live in PA by the way. If they will hold it against me, is there anyway for me to fight that? I have never gotten in trouble with the police and have been clean since the rehab. Is there any way I can get those records erased?

Do the Drug Cartels and the Drug Police Remind You of Two Warring Armies Who Long Ago Forgot…?

Question by xaptation: Do the drug cartels and the drug police remind you of two warring armies who long ago forgot…?
…what they were fighting over and have devolved into looting and terrorizing the populace?

This story has made me so angry I can barely think straight.