task force

US Judge Upholds EPA's Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Plan

US judge upholds EPA's Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association

(AP) — A judge rejected a bid by farm industry and home builders' groups to block federal and state pollution limits designed to improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay by more tightly regulating wastewater treatment, construction along waterways and …
Read more on State Journal


Denis Paré and Bart Krekelberg Appointed to Lead Center for Molecular and

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association

Zoeller Campaign to Fight Rx Drug Abuse

Zoeller Campaign To Fight Rx Drug Abuse

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana

Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller and the Indiana Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force teamed up to launch BitterPill.IN.gov. This website, armed with a toolkit of resources for Hoosiers, is part of a comprehensive statewide public …
Read more on Stacey Page Online


Out-of-competition programs face obstacles despite strong support

Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana

Though the tests have yet to catch a trainer red-handed, out-of-competition testing represents the vanguard of racing's effort to guard against drug abuse and cheating since the programs were put in place. Unlike post-race tests, which subject samples …
Read more on Daily Racing Form

What Social and Personal Factors Induce Millions of People to Abuse Drugs and Alcohol?

Question by joker_vs_joker: What social and personal factors induce millions of people to abuse drugs and alcohol?
What social and personal factors induce millions of people to abuse drugs and alcohol despite all the publicity regarding the negative effects of drug abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by larry o
drugs and alcohol provide a temporary escape from reality and sometimes that helps. especially since reality has gotten a lot more harsh lately than it ever was before. no one considers the negative affects b/c they think that their use of drugs is temporary and they can stop when they feel better. they’re usually wrong.

Study: Put Regulators on a Budget

Study: Put regulators on a budget

Filed under: drug abuse help in delaware

Critics argue that regulations help consumers and that the important calculation is whether benefits exceed costs. “I could write a net-benefit budget for a rule mandating fifteen-foot bumpers on the front and back of cars, so that's a nonstarter …
Read more on Daily Caller


Harry Reid, Jerry Brown, Feinstein bash environmentalists at Lake Tahoe Summit

Filed under: drug abuse help in delaware

Pill Mills Said to Be Part of 'epidemic'

Pill mills said to be part of 'epidemic'

Filed under: drug addiction help hotline

“It's probably an epidemic,” U.S. Marshal Gary Gaskins said of prescription drug abuse. Some sources say it … Because tips from the public also play a vital role in uncovering pill mills, a hotline will be established in the near future, Walker said …
Read more on Exponent-telegram


Task force takes aim at animal abuse

Filed under: drug addiction help hotline

Prescription Drug Abuse a Growing Concern in Waseca County

Prescription drug abuse a growing concern in Waseca County

Filed under: effects of drug addiction

Hassing said prescription drug abuse has been a consistent problem since he took over the task force a few years ago. Oxycodone, Vicodin, Percocet are all “well-traveled” drugs, according to Hassing. “People take them for the effects,” Hassing said …
Read more on Southernminn.com


Ontario pharmacists seek protection against rise in robberies

Filed under: effects of drug addiction