task force

What Is the Canadian Government Doing to Prevent Drug Use?

Question by Ken: What is the Canadian government doing to prevent drug use?
Well, yeah, the title is self explanatory. I just want to know what the goernment is doing to stop drugs.

Best answer:

Answer by KC V
With approximately 1,000,000 drug users in Canada, including some 250,000 cocaine addicts and 40,000 heroin addicts, The Government of Canada’s (GOC) drug control strategy emphasizes drug abuse prevention and treatment. The law enforcement component emphasizes action against organized crime. Canadian law enforcement officials cooperate closely with their U.S. counterparts on narcotics investigations and interdiction efforts.

Portland Brain Surgeon and Senate Candidate Dislikes Obamacare, but Would

Portland brain surgeon and Senate candidate dislikes Obamacare, but would

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association

You may not want a plan that includes all those essential benefits. It's forcing men to pay for maternity care and people without drug problems to pay for substance abuse treatment. People are being mandated into what plans they can purchase. I think …
Read more on Portland Business Journal (blog)


Election 2013: Common Pleas Court race set

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association

Recovering Addicts at Oxford House in Latrobe Welcome Neighbors at Open House

Recovering addicts at Oxford House in Latrobe welcome neighbors at open house

Filed under: drug addiction help in clarion county

Scates, 33, has helped to establish three Oxford Houses in Meadville and Clarion since May 2012 after beginning his recovery in March of that year. “I look at it as this is … Scates was even able to return and meet the warden of the Westmoreland …
Read more on Tribune-Review


Martin County Community Calendar, updated Oct. 15

Filed under: drug addiction help in clarion county

Salt Lake City Close to Ending Veteran Homelessness, Mayor Says

Salt Lake City close to ending veteran homelessness, mayor says

Filed under: free drug addiction treatment

… received a wide array of services, including food, shelter, clothing and health screenings, VA and Social Security benefits counseling, and referrals to a variety of other necessary services, such as housing, employment and substance abuse treatment.
Read more on Deseret News


San Diego Life Sciences Roundup: Zogenix, Illumina, Sophiris, & More

Filed under: free drug addiction treatment

Battling Bacteria: Q&A on Keeping Food Safe

Battling bacteria: Q&A on keeping food safe

Filed under: drug abuse help in orange county

… in 6 Americans each year and costs $ 77 billion in medical treatment and lost productivity. Most recently, a salmonella outbreak linked to Foster Farms chicken has sickened nearly 300 people, including 18 in Orange County, eight of whom were …
Read more on OCRegister (subscription)


HUNNEMAN: Confessions of a leaf-peeper

Filed under: drug abuse help in orange county

Drugs in Different States Are Disposed of How?

Question by tutu: Drugs in different states are disposed of how?
Drugs in California are put into dumpsters or picked up by biohazard persons. Drugs in Arizona, by law are to be buried in the ground.Drugs in Texas are flushed down toliets. What does this do to our enviornment and why?

Best answer:

Answer by amanda
the government keeps some of these drugs. They store them.
they keep marijuana or at least the seeds, in case they ever need to use them.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!