How to Help a Loved One With a Shopping Addiction? She Won’t Admit She Has a Problem.?
Question by Mark A: How to help a loved one with a shopping addiction? She won’t admit she has a problem.?
My mother in-law has a seriuos shopping addiction. She stays up all night watching home shopping club, she has literally hundreds of unopened boxes, and keeps on going. She has incurred over $ 75,000 in debt. Her husband is in a rest home and she has nobody to answer to. We try to offer suggestions or advice, but she only gets angry and feels we are trying to control her life. This greatly upsets my wife. Any advice would be sppreciated.
Getting Paid to Quit May Work for Some Smokers
Getting paid to quit may work for some smokers
Filed under: addiction help hotline
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – During a single year when the Dutch government covered the costs of counseling and drugs to help smokers quit, calls to a national smoking-cessation hotline rose 10-fold, and the number of smokers in the country dropped …
Read more on Chicago Tribune
Turkey: Phone Hotline Gives a Voice to Victims of Police Violence
Filed under: addiction help hotline
Out of Harm's Way
Out of harm's way
Filed under: drug abuse helpline
Young said the only real link to abuse is drug usage, which appears to be on the rise, especially with stimulants including methamphetamine and synthetic designer drugs such as meow. … Reports to the child abuse hotline are at an all-time high as well.
Read more on Helena Independent Record
Doug Heinlen: Medicare's open enrollment begins Oct. 15
Filed under: drug abuse helpline
You can use Medicare's benefit tool at to review coverage options, determine convenience and compare various plans using Medicare's star-rating system. Finally, make sure you understand all costs, including premiums …
Read more on Winter Park/Maitland Observer
Wondering What Resources People Use When Seeking Drug or Alcohol Treatment for Addiction and Alcoholism?
Question by : Wondering what resources people use when seeking drug or alcohol treatment for addiction and alcoholism?
I have been involved with a company called sober nexus that offers free online information for those seeking a drug rehab or substance abuse treatment center. I’m wondering what resources OTHER people use when seeking drug or alcohol treatment for addiction and alcoholism?
Best answer:
Answer by Hopefully Helpful
AA and NA are two good support groups. A person’s PCP can also help get a person into a treatment program. I hope you are doing OK. Best Wishes.
Coming Up in the Chesters, Mendhams, Harding, Washington Township
Coming up in the Chesters, Mendhams, Harding, Washington Township
Filed under: drug rehab treatment centers nj
Sleep and health are the focus at a Lunch 'n Learn program planned for noon at the Washington Township Public Library, 37 E. Springtown Rd. Matt Salerno of the Kessler Rehabilitation Institute will lead the program. … Emile DeVito, staff biologist …
Read more on New Jersey Hills
NJ City Wrongly Denied Developer's Clinic Plans, Court Says
Filed under: drug rehab treatment centers nj
Group Therapy/support Groups in Hagerstown, MD?
Question by Rebecca P: Group therapy/support groups in Hagerstown, MD?
I live in Hagerstown, Maryland, and am looking for any support group or group therapy available in Hagerstown or nearby… not Frederick because I don’t drive, though. I am looking for a group in any or all of the following areas:
-Trauma/PTSD/Abuse Survivor
-General mental illness
I’m not interested in AA, NA, OA, or NAMI because I’ve been to NAMI and OA and didn’t like them particularly. I don’t abuse alcohol or drugs so they aren’t suitable… any ideas? Places? Resources? I looked in the yellow pages and with various mental health agencies and am not having much luck. It’s so frustrating since Hagerstown is quite small… help, please?