support group

Support Groups for Drug Addicts?

Question by Halen: Support Groups for Drug Addicts?
Could anybody run by me what goes on
in support groups for drug addicts?

And are the people that usually lead them
ex-addicts or professionally trained for it or something?

Best answer:

Answer by eosiwadflaf92342342333324
People within a support group for drug addicts, discuss their problems with each other and provide supportive communication and resources for dealing with their addiction.

The Support Groups Association just launched an online support groups website. It is still in the process of being updated to provide a large variety of support groups.

I Need Help??

Question by *i got a thang for u*: i need help??
i have done coke 20 times. and i finally told my bestfriend. and ever since then she been disapointed in me. so do u guys kno any support groups in cleveland ohio??or ways u quit on your own. it would b greatly appreciated. my dad is not a option. i dont want to lose my bestfriend over this.
this may not b the rite section. but i didnt not know where to put it.

serious answer plz

Best answer:

Do You Know Any Good Drugs/alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Southern England?

Question by Niraj G: Do you know any good drugs/alcohol rehabilitation centres in Southern England?

Best answer:

Answer by Arch Teryx
Antibuse is a drug that interferes with the body’s ability to metabolize alcohol. I think it inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase. A few mouthfuls of alcohol and you’ll be wretching your guts out.
Naltrxone is another drug that decreases the urge to have subsequent drinks. Both remedies are recommended to be used in conjunction with a support group.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Daughter’s Drug Addiction ?

Question by tracey s: Daughter’s drug addiction ?

Ambien Addiction – Where to Go for Help?

Question by chackoperformance: Ambien Addiction – Where to go for help?
I’m really having trouble getting away from taking ambien. I was doctor shopping until it all blew up in my face recently and now all 3 doctors that were writing prescriptions have threatened to tell every pharmacy in colorado not to fill out the prescriptions for it. It’s not that I was taking the drug to get high (in fact I’ve told the doctors this), nor was I dealing it. It just took larger and larger doses to work to put me to sleep and if i try to sleep with out it… well forget it. Ever since the drug came out, I have had a normal sleep schedule. Since this happened I’ve been getting about 2-3 hours of sleep a night (if that). The only other medication that worked for me was Alprazolam but it left me feeling hung over for hours the next day.

What Success Have You Had With in Patient Drug and Alcohol Treatment?

Question by antonia_deamicis: What success have you had with In Patient Drug and Alcohol Treatment?
I have a 19 year old son that has been taking most everything he can get his hands on for 7-8 months now. He says he has no addiction, just likes to “experiment” and when he isn’t on anything he’s too depressed to deal with life. I am scared to death that I will be burying him one day. The biggest issue right now, he is INSANE when he’s straight. He has no off switch at all, and talks and talks and talks so endlessly about all of his knowledge and opinions on everything that I can’t have a single thought of my own in my head because he will NOT SHUT UP! I feel desperate to get him into in patient, he is doing outpatient right now, it’s not enough. Thoughts from people who have gone through inpatient or have walked a loved one through it?