On the Street
On the street
Filed under: drug rehab centers in michigan
Lowman is the homeless liaison for the Women's Resource Center in Wenatchee. Part of his job is to deliver information about … That meant staying off drugs and alcohol, and trying to put his life back together. Elsewhere at the park. Lowman heads …
Read more on The Wenatchee World Online
CDC Advises on Preventive Steps to Fight Widespread Flu Epidemic Facing …
Filed under: drug rehab centers in michigan
From Here, What Should Happen? Long One. Serious Answers Only, Please?
Question by Momma Jette: From here, what should happen? Long one. Serious answers only, please?
Last year, my fiance’s mother died. Afterwards, he had anxiety so bad that he started having migraines that escalated to ice pick migraines. He went to his doctor and was gievn 120 tylenol 3’s a month. Anyone out there that has ever dealt with codiene would know that it’s highly addictive, and 120 is enough to start that addiction. It did. That was a year and a half ago, and it’s alot worse now. He probably spends anywhere from $ 800-$ 1500 buying pills off the street in a month. He came to me last night and told me that he wanted to quit, and he asked me to call his doctor and talk to him about it and see what could be done without him having to go to rehab because he’d lose his job. I did, and his doctor said he would do nothing. HE is the one that caused this, and he said he would do NOTHING. “Sorry, I can’t help you” is what he told me. He also told him that he could not be his patient any more. He then called my fiance’s work place and reffered him to a detox center.
He CANNOT do this because he would have to stay there for 2 weeks without any communication to the outside world.
Report: Invest in Drug Treatment Instead of Punishment
Report: Invest in Drug Treatment Instead of Punishment
Filed under: drug abuse treatment centers
Douglas Denton, executive director of Homeward Bound, a Dallas-based substance abuse treatment center, said that for people who suffer from addiction — which is classified by the American Medical Association as a diagnosable chronic disease akin to …
Read more on MyHighPlains
Living through recovery: Christopher Kennedy Lawford on addiction
Filed under: drug abuse treatment centers
Affordable Care Act Addresses Mental Health Issues
Affordable Care Act addresses mental health issues
Filed under: Substance Abuse Treatment
New health exchanges will be required to cover mental health care and substance abuse treatment, says Rachel Garfield, senior researcher at the Kaiser Family Foundation. The new law will cover more people in other ways, Garfield says. STORY: Newtown …
Read more on USA TODAY
Reauthorizing VAWA in current form could be grave mistake
Filed under: Substance Abuse Treatment
Abuse-reduction efforts should emphasize substance abuse treatment, counseling, and the like, with aggressive arrest and prosecution being essential but back-up strategies. In short, we need more counseling and less incarceration. So before the Senate …
Read more on The Hill (blog)
Study Ties Drug Shortage to Poorer Cancer Survival
Study ties drug shortage to poorer cancer survival
Filed under: Drug Treatment Centers Chicago
Young cancer patients who couldn't get a key medicine because of a national drug shortage were more likely to suffer a relapse than others who were able to get the preferred treatment, doctors report. It's the first evidence that a long-standing drug …
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More pressure to justify cost of cancer drugs versus benefits
Filed under: Drug Treatment Centers Chicago
Fort Mill Memorial 5K, Fun Run to Focus on Addiction
Fort Mill memorial 5K, fun run to focus on addiction
Filed under: drug abuse treatment centers
Keystone is a private, non-profit agency that serves as the county's designated substance abuse treatment center. Its funding comes from an array of sources including county, state and federal tax revenues, client fees and donations. The memorial run …
Read more on The Herald | HeraldOnline.com
Marine Corps Enforces Breathalyzer Tests
Filed under: drug abuse treatment centers