social security

What Can My Dad Expect in Court?

Question by buddah: What can my dad expect in court?
My dad has a court date on the 13th for a fta/driving while license suspended this happend about a year and a half ago on the 4th of july of 2007 he was not arrested he just recieved a ticket for the offence and he missed his court date because our car was repossesed the reason his license was suspended is because he got into a couple of car accidents and did not have insurance plus all the tickets he got from those accidents he never paid for he does not drive anymore since that night the police came to our door on the 21st of december and he found out he had a warrant for this offence but he was not arrested and he bonded out right at home there was no drugs or alcohol involved or any thing like that no dwi or dui just the suspended license some of the people i have talked to say he has nothing to worry about just a slap on the wrist and a fine is that true???
Hi just for the record my dad does not have a drug or alcohol problem he is on ssdi-social security disabilaty he is both mentaly and physicaly disabled im sorry if you miss understood my question. but I was just useing the drugs and alcohol as an example compairing it to my dad’s offence of fta/driving while license suspended also we live in dekalb county illinois. and i am a he not a she. my name is jason.

Will I Be Able to Get Into a Nursing Program and Get an RN License Although I Have Misdemeanor Pot Charges?

Question by Libby D: Will I be able to get into a nursing program and get an RN license although I have misdemeanor pot charges?
I have completed inpatient and outpatient drug rehab and am clean today for one year. I have completed probation and am trying to get my record expunged.

Best answer:

Answer by Theodore H
Get on the Web. Look up your State Board of Nursing regarding whether a misdemeanor conviction will forever forbid you from gaining state licensure. Then, also check out your state’s legal code and find out about expungements or sealing of records.

Playing Through the Pain – of Two Brain Tumors

Playing Through the Pain – of Two Brain Tumors

Filed under: drug rehab centers in ct

Stunned and upset, Jamie and Courtney were taken immediately by ambulance to Golisano Children's Hospital at the University of Rochester Medical Center, where an MRI revealed a second tumor – an extremely unusual situation for a child. The larger tumor …


A respite for Medicare; Social Security no worse

Filed under: drug rehab centers in ct

Where Can I Find the Creed for the Department of Health and Human Services?

Question by tommmytee: Where can I find the creed for the Department of Health and Human Services?
I want to know what that department claims is their reason for existance.

Best answer:

Answer by Easy B Me II
THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES is the United States government’s principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves.

THE DEPARTMENT INCLUDES MORE THAN 300 PROGRAMS, covering a wide spectrum of activities. Some highlights include:

Changing Social Security Disability Rules With Regard to Addiction

Changing Social Security Disability Rules with Regard to Addiction

Filed under: alcohol addiction help

If we can help a person remove drugs and alcohol from the medical equation, we can get a much better idea of what other mental health issues are presenting and provide treatment. By adding whole health therapies as part of the addiction recovery …
Read more on PR Newswire (press release)


'Monster' child abuser gets 20 years

Filed under: alcohol addiction help

How Can I Find Help Financially for Glaucoma?

Question by Patoo: How can I find help financially for glaucoma?

Best answer:

Answer by **Anti-PeTA**
Financial Assistance and Vision Care Resources

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