social security

Salt Lake City Close to Ending Veteran Homelessness, Mayor Says

Salt Lake City close to ending veteran homelessness, mayor says

Filed under: free drug addiction treatment

… received a wide array of services, including food, shelter, clothing and health screenings, VA and Social Security benefits counseling, and referrals to a variety of other necessary services, such as housing, employment and substance abuse treatment.
Read more on Deseret News


San Diego Life Sciences Roundup: Zogenix, Illumina, Sophiris, & More

Filed under: free drug addiction treatment

SSDI Re-Determination?

Question by James B: SSDI Re-determination?
Hi there I have just been sent a letter for my SSDI to be reviewed, I am presently receiving benefits from social security. I am in the state of NJ. My initial disability was determined to be psychological. Depression, bipolar and blindness, I think I don’t even recall. Since then my need for disabilities have grown. I know have pulmonary hypertension with right heart failure as well. Unfortunately i went to jail for a few years ago (May 2009-Nov 2011) & was released Nov of 2011 and during tmy incarceration i had no psychological treatment what so ever and therefore no documentation either to support my mental woes. The NJ state of disability determination services dept has sent me a letter (SSA-3380-BK). I am of course concerned about my lack of mental health treatment recently and the reflection this may have on determining the result of this process. Will my compounded ailments make me more likely to win this process? Will SSA admin understand that the lack of mental health documentation due to my incarceration? Incidentally I called the adjudicator after receiving the letter and this woman stated that the disabilities listed on her records were Depression, Drug alcohol abuse,Blindness,Insomnia, Pulmonary Hypertension and Heart Failure. The only category no well documented is the depression.
Thank you for your time

What Can I Do About My Sister Spending Her Sons SSI on Drugs?

Question by johnsonpe4: What can I do about my sister spending her sons SSI on drugs?
My nephew is on SSI for reasons not completely known to me. My sister is his custodial parent but does not provide for him in the slightest. My mother/his grandmother who is disabled herself and can barely care for herself is the one who actually takes care of him. Every month when his money comes in. Money meant to keep him fed clothed and housed in school. Is instead spent on her drug addiction. I’ve gone so far as to spend my own money to get him socks because she won’t. But I can provide for him completely because I have 2 sons of my own who I raise by myself. He has next to no clothes and has even recently been expelled from school. But that’s all besides the point. Over the passed year I have reported her to social security twice and they have done NOTHING to stop her. So a few days ago I called the sheriffs department to see what they could do. Apparently they can do nothing apart from catching her with her junk on her. What else can I do to help stop what she is doing? I really could care less about her drug habit. But she should not be doing it on my nephews money. Any real tips or advice would be nice and VERY helpful. Thanks in advance.
1. My nephew does not live with me.

Eviction Through the Eyes of a Child

Eviction through the eyes of a child

Filed under: drug abuse hotline

Mr Eades said the only trouble the family had was from the house next door, which he claimed was occupied by drug dealers, and the other neighbours had no problem with his family. But neighbours who emerged after the commotion was over told _The …
Read more on The West Australian


If You Know People Who Are Cheating the System, Turn Them In

Filed under: drug abuse hotline

IRS Released Thousands of Social Security Numbers

IRS released thousands of Social Security numbers

Filed under: Drug Addiction Help Chicago

Although the data was deleted the following day, the public domain site further investigated the extent of the problem. It determined that there were eight distinct privacy breaches, including the exposure of at least 2,319 Social Security numbers. In …
Read more on Daily Caller



Filed under: Drug Addiction Help Chicago

But, if you take out three cities: Chicago, IL, Detroit, MI and Washington, DC, the United States has to the fourth lowest murder rate in the world. Those three cities, by the way, … The high crime rate is due to poverty and drug addiction. It's …



Filed under: drug abuse hotline

If you receive a suspicious call, please report it to the Fraud Hotline. Reports … You can visit the Office of the Inspector General online at and select the “Fraud, Waste, or Abuse” link. Learn more about identity theft at www …
Read more on Ridgewood Times Newsweekly


Recall of Colorado gun controller gets enough signatures

Filed under: drug abuse hotline