shopping addiction

I Think I Have a Shopping Addiction?

Question by Elle: I think I have a shopping addiction?
I have been going to the mall and other stores like ULTA, Marshalls, Express, MAC, Clinique, blah blah like three times every week. So far, I’ve spent $ 400…

I told myself i was going to save up to buy a car for college, but i keep spending money!
I get paid $ 200 per week and so far, I have $ 771 saved up…but how can i stop this addiction??? Shopping makes me happy..
I guess i shouldnt feel that bad, at least i work hard for my money and im not spending my parents money…

What Is a Shopping Addiction And?

Question by Elizabeth: What is a shopping addiction and?
when would you consider it a financial problem?

Best answer:

Answer by Momperson
A shopping addiction is when you buy stuff you don’t need, and don’t even really like all that much, but you just keep putting it in the basket. It’s a financial problem when you buy junk but don’t have enough left for food, rent, utilities and gas for the car. If you are lying, hiding things you purchased and stealing money so you can keep on shopping, writing bad checks, running up the credit cards so you are paying one monthly payment by taking a cash advance on another one…I think you get the picture. There’s more, but why belabor the point. If you’re asking the question, chances are good you are addicted to shopping or love someone who is. It’s just like any other addiction, mostly an emotional problem with real life consequences. Get help for yourself or your loved one. Call shoppers anonymous. You can’t make it better with anger or guilt.

I Believe I’m Developing a Shopping Addiction? Help?

Question by Anna: i believe i’m developing a shopping addiction? help?
Well I’m 14 and I’m still on my summer vacay till October 6th. I don’t have a job nor do I want or need one, and most of my good friends have been going on vacays and have been super busy. But I do have one great friend that I only see on the weekends because her parents are divorced. Anyways, I go to some kind of store everrrrry day no matter what, and if I don’t I feel incomplete and usually will be super-grouchy. I don’t spend alot of money at stores, only about anywhere from $ 15-$ 250 depending on the store. It also doesn’t help much that my bday was on the 11th so I’ve been going to the mall alot using my gift cards and cash. Shopping just makes me feel so complete and happy, especially since I get depressed and suicidal a lot. I know that this is not just a normal, teenage girl kinda thing, I’ve felt this way for about 10 years, but I never really thought it’s something serious until now. I haven’t confronted my parents about it yet, but I think they feel the same way I do. So what should I do and what are some tips? Thankss:] And no, I am not a spoiled little rich girl.

I Think I Have a Shopping Addiction?

Question by prettyinpink: I think I have a shopping addiction?
I really think I have a shopping problem. I find myself at the mall every weekend, and at local stores during the week (The mall is kinda far from where I live) I will go into a store with 1-3 hundred and when I leave it’ll feel like I barely bought anything but all my money is gone. (When in reality I actually buy a lot but it always feels like I need more) My boyfriends hasn’t said anything.. he’s a gentlemen and holds all my bags for me but will always be like ” Are you finished yet? We’ve been here forever “… Is there such thing as shopping addiction? My father recently passed away and it’s been hard for me, but when I shop everything is better, I don’t think of the past and it really calms me down..I know it sounds crazy. :/ Anyone else have this problem?
Also when I don’t have any money to spend.. I find myself looking at clothes online and it calms me down a bit.

Is the Show My Shopping Addiction Coming Back?

Question by Lili: Is the show My Shopping Addiction coming back?
I really like the show My Shopping Addiction on the Oxygen channel, but it does not seem that they are coming back for another season.
Are they?
And also what happened to the show Intervention on AE?
Why did it get cancelled?

Best answer:

Answer by Naguru
According to rumors, yes.

About Intervention on AE, I heard there is some hurdle or obstacle put by a miscreant. He is intervening.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Providing Help to Adolescent Girls

Providing help to adolescent girls

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Princeton House Behavioral Health has long been known for being a leading provider of highly skilled and compassionate behavioral healthcare, offering relief at times when life becomes clouded by mental illness, emotional difficulties or addiction. In …
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Heroin is an opioid drug that is synthesized from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the Asian opium poppy plant, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The drug can be injected, inhaled, snorted and smoked. As …