shopping addiction

How to Overcome Shopping Addiction?

Question by CS: How to overcome shopping addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by mummy dearest
cut up the credit cards. block QVC. don’t go to the malls. don’t order from online places. cut off your Internet.

What do you think? Answer below!


Dealing With a Shopping Addiction?

Question by BossHogg R: Dealing with a shopping addiction?
How do you deal with a spouse who 1.) Has a shopping addiction 2.) Won’t admit it 3.) Won’t go to cousiling about their problem….

When I tried to talk to her about it she became extremely angry and said Im just trying to controll her…. It has become a monthly occurance for her to drain and overdraw our bank accounts from shopping. We spent a year sacraficing to pay down her 8k in credt card debt so we could buy a house, only for her to turn around and amass 12k of of new credit card debt in less than 5 months! Im at my wits end… she won’t get help. What should I do? Is it time to start thinking about moving on?

Do You Think I Have a Shopping Addiction?

Question by Brittney: Do you think I have a shopping addiction?
I do shop a lot but i love fashion. I only buy pieces i can get many wears out of , that i can wear to work or to hang out I like to mix it up. What do shopaholics normally have symptoms of ? My friend paul says I shop too much… But all my bills are paid
To vision seeker that was mean I didnt chose for my name to be Brittney my dad did.

Best answer:

Oniomania (Shopping Addiction)?

Question by Missy: Oniomania (shopping addiction)?
Okay, so I am pretty sure I have this addiction, but after I’ve read more about it, it seems like most people who have it are in great debt. Well, whatever I spend is within my means. Just, I get so stressed about what I’m getting and if I’m getting the ‘most value’ for my dollar. I can literally spend hours picking things out online. Sometimes an item I wanted sells out, which drives me insane. And once I’m done with my order, I don’t feel at all good. I just feel unbelievably stressed about the whole ordeal. Sometimes, I don’t even go through with the order… What’s wrong with me? Is this related to OCD…? because I do have that. I also have depression. I’ve noticed though, this is definitely not a problem when I’m physically shopping at a store. There are times when I have a hard time picking between items, but it’s definitely not as bad as online. I mean, should I ban myself from online shopping or what? 🙁 It just makes me so angry! I even drove myself to tears this morning. This doesn’t make sense.

I Have a Shopping

Question by Lyz: I have a shopping
I’ve always been a shopper but it’s getting out of hand. I can’t stop. I frequently browse eBay because I have access to it on my phone. And amazon too. I’m spending ridiculous amounts on items and I cannot stop. I’ve.bought four pairs of shoes in the last couple months that I haven’t even worn yet, a bunch of cards, clothes, hair dye, jewelry…everything. I ddon’t know how to stop spending I want to save money. I’ve not yet screwed myself over financially but I already know I need to scrunch in order to conserve my remaining money this month. I downloaded an eexpense tracker to record my spendings and its ridiculous how the numbers are adding up. I am also struggling with hoarding (not severe) and have been diagnosed with depression and an anxiety disorder. please how can I stop this before it gets worse?

What Do You Know About Shopping Addiction?

Question by Big John Horton: What do you know about shopping addiction?
Recently I discovered how much shopping can be and oddly enough I’m a guy.
recently I just bought

Really expensive speakers that cost $ 500 a piece along with a $ 200 amplifier and $ 100 sub box
1 bomber hat that ran me $ 29.99
1 stuffed animal that sits in my car $ 15.00

And so on, but I noticed this is a real deal addiction after I came close to shorting myself car insurance money.