san francisco

Why Is Head Start Biased Against WORKING Parents and HEALTHY KIDS?

Question by Frisco Baby: Why is Head Start Biased Against WORKING parents and HEALTHY KIDS?
I am a mother here in San Francisco pissed that the pre-school system is BIASED AGAINST working parents with healthy children.

I have been turned away from school after school after school TRULY because I work, and TRULY because there is NOTHING wrong with my Kid mental or physical. I DO NOT get beat, I AM able bodied. I AM NOT on drugs. I LIKE to work – willingly believe it or not. And I’m a VALUED employee, because I MUST keep my job – And WE get turned down – Where did we go wrong? What am I doing wrong? Keep reading:

Help Me???

Question by jess: Help me???
USA Today
Our view: Needle exchanges prove effective as AIDS counterattack.
They warrant wider use and federal backing.

Substance Abuse Treatment Question From a Nonabuser?

Question by fpm: substance abuse treatment question from a nonabuser?
I’m considering a career in substance abuse education, treatment, and prevention. I have just recently seen an episode on meth addicts and it basically painted a bleak picture for them. Some that are recovering or “rehabilitated” still fight the urges to go back to their habits on a daily basis and my question is this: even in this day and age with drug rehab clinics and focused attention on drug addiction is there really an effective program for those suffering? I don’t know anyone personally who has suffered just curious about this.

How Long Is the Prop36 Program in California?

Question by lazy: How long is the Prop36 program in California?
If you get charged with a misdemeanor drug possession and you get Prop36 how long with you be doing the program?

Best answer:

Prop 36 does not have a set time they evaluate the offender and then establish a treatment plan.~~
It means that Prop. 36 remains the state’s largest treatment-not-jail program, and that protecting its … 36. Check out this great poster that sums up just some of what Prop 36 … – Cached

I Want to Be a Paramedic?

Question by [email protected]: i want to be a paramedic?
any current paramedics out there? if so, please give me a rundown of what a “typical” day would be like in the life of a paramedic.

Best answer:

Answer by abnxray
typical like a medic in a small town in Texas or a medic in Los Angeles ? if you have doubts, then its probably not for ya.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Olympia House | Sonoma, Marin and San Francisco Rehab Facility – The new television advertisement from the Olympia House addiction treatment program.

Argument Evaluation- Lets See How Good You Guys Are. Identify 2 Arguments in Each Article?

Question by Pinky: Argument Evaluation- Lets see how good you guys are. Identify 2 arguments in each article?

Our view: Needle exchanges prove effective as AIDS counterattack. They warrant wider use and federal backing.