san francisco

How Many Aids Deaths in Usa in 2005?

Question by rjsandpas: how many aids deaths in usa in 2005?

Best answer:

Answer by Whispers of the Winds
Check out the aids epidemic update link below…

2005} Adult and child deaths due to AIDS: 30 000 [19 000–42 000]

Are There Different Paths for Pharmacy Schools?

Question by Somebody Save the Hero: Are there different paths for pharmacy schools?
I’m currently a student in college on my to obtain my BS in pre-pharmacy (Or “Applied chemistry: pharmaceutical”). I’m wondering what types of paths I can take after I graduate from college in a pharmacy school. I know at the moment that a possible path is to have another 4 years of education in order to obtain a doctorate. What I’m wondering about is if there are other programs that I can take that are shorter and what would be the consequences of taking those shortcuts.

Can Someone Give Me a Paper on Sociological Perspective on Alcohol/coffee or Drugs I Am in Desperate Need?

Question by AireB: Can someone give me a paper on sociological perspective on alcohol/coffee or drugs I am in desperate need?
any time period

Best answer:

Is Marijuana an “ok” Drug?

Question by Amber: Is marijuana an “ok” drug?
Some people think it’s ok to smoke weed, and a lot of times it’s socially accepted. What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by superrelax
i’ve smoked herb for a long time. im healthy and successful…and i won’t be dying of cigarette-related cancer anytime soon, either. know the facts: there are zero reported marijuana induced deaths per year. AND i’ve never tried any other drugs in my life. so, if you want to label anything as dangerous, label the ones that warrant that label: alcohol and cigarettes. not to mention the people who find a better alternative to prescription drugs in marijuana to relieve pain caused by such things as cancer, glaucoma, MS…the list can go on.

Would You Support Medical Experiments on Life Prisoners? ?

Question by Doctor Jack: Would you support medical experiments on life prisoners? ?
Only murderers.

Obviously there is only so far animal testing can go in there search for new medicine and vaccines. The only way to ensure effectiveness is sometimes to use human research. However, some research is inherently life threatening and volunteers cannot be used.
In the search for a vaccine against HIV or a cure for cancer do you think it is morally justifiable to experiment on the most heinous convicted murderers?

Charge Dismissed in Mansfield Drug Robbery Case

Charge dismissed in Mansfield drug robbery case

Filed under: online drug abuse help

MANSFIELD – The case against the last remaining defendant accused of planning to rob a Mansfield drug dealer was dismissed Monday after the prosecution's key witness failed to appear for trial. Mark C. Medeiros, 20, one of four men charged in the 2012 …
Read more on Attleboro Sun Chronicle


In SW Pa, concern about gains in scrip drug abuse

Filed under: online drug abuse help