sacramento bee

Editorial: VA Must Do More to Reduce Painkiller Prescriptions

Editorial: VA must do more to reduce painkiller prescriptions

Filed under: drug addiction treatment minneapolis

While prescription drug abuse is a problem in the civilian world as well, the VA's own researchers found that the fatal overdose rate was nearly double the national average. They also found that doctors were prescribing more opiates to … The …
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Minneapolis Rehab – Discover how to choose the best Minneapolis Rehab and Drug Rehab Center. This decision could be the most important one you can ma…

Judge: With or Without Grant, OWI Court to Launch

Judge: With or without grant, OWI Court to launch

Filed under: free drug treatment programs

In typical “treatment court” formats, participants are required to attend frequent court sessions and meetings with probation and parole officials, to undergo treatment for addiction and to wear electronic monitors capable of detecting the level of …
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Kinex Pharmaceuticals Announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Filed under: free drug treatment programs

How Long Is There Between Being Sentenced to Drug Classes and a First Drug Test?

Question by brimstone1252: How long is there between being sentenced to drug classes and a first drug test?
My court date is July 9th and they are probably going to give me drug classes for smoking weed. When do the classes start and do they get mad if you fail the first drug test? I live in Southern California. I am probably gonna fail the first test cuz i’ve been smoking every day for a long time, what happens if i do?

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Cardiome Announces Publication of Positive Data From an Observational

Cardiome Announces Publication of Positive Data from an Observational

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

The study included 251 recent-onset atrial fibrillation (AF) patients who received 355 BRINAVESS™ treatments during the period between January 15, 2011 and April 15, 2013. … "Skåne University Hospital developed a "fast-track" AF program in the …
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TORONTO – Some of the most active companies traded Friday on the Toronto

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

How New Cancer Drugs Can Skip Randomized Trials

How new cancer drugs can skip randomized trials

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Analysis … But experts say the controversy over Zelboraf broke the mould, potentially pointing the way to lower-cost drug development. … Randomized controlled trials — where some patients are given the treatment that is being tested and others get …
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ACA could help addicts get clean

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

LX4211 Achieves Positive Results in Type 2 Diabetes Patients With Renal

LX4211 Achieves Positive Results in Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Renal

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

Lexicon has used its proprietary gene knockout technology to identify more than 100 promising drug targets. Lexicon has focused drug discovery efforts on these biologically-validated targets to create its extensive pipeline of clinical and preclinical …
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Rate of Ex-Inmates Returning to Prison for New Crimes Declining

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland