roller coaster

Whats the Best Haunted House in Kansas City?

Question by horrorfan61: Whats the best haunted house in Kansas City?
I love haunted houses. Call me odd, but haunted houses are an addiction to me. I guess you could call me a “fear junky”. And not the kind you get from riding a roller coaster or some head spinning ride. Those kind of thrills may be fro some people, but give me a good ol’ monster jumping out from a dark corner and you will see me screaming like a little girl!

What Is the Main Difference Between Suboxone and Methadone?

Question by Elle: What is the main difference between Suboxone and Methadone?
From my research it seems that Suboxone is safer, fits into your life better (no standing in line at 5am) and does not have the severe withdrawals that methadone users experience. I would like some real life is to get off of the roller coaster of pain pill addiction. How expensive is Suboxone w/o insurance?

Best answer:

Answer by LoneRanger
sub is “easier’ to get, meaning you only need to see a doctor once a month to get it instead of going to a clinic daily.