residential treatment center

Child Care Position…………..?

Question by Angel0fDarkness: Child Care position…………..?
so i will soon be starting a child care position. what are some things to have on hand to appear professional and serious?

Best answer:

Answer by frockney
Yes, learn all about adoption from these sites:

Adopted ‘children’ are disproportionately represented with learning disabilities and organic brain syndrome. (Schecter and Genetic Behaviors)

Mental health professionals are surprised at the alarmingly high number of their patients who are adopted. Studies show an average of 25 to 35% of the young people in residential treatment centers are adoptees. This is 17 times the norm. (Lifton, BIRCO–Pannor and Lawrence)

I Need Help??

Question by *i got a thang for u*: i need help??
i have done coke 20 times. and i finally told my bestfriend. and ever since then she been disapointed in me. so do u guys kno any support groups in cleveland ohio??or ways u quit on your own. it would b greatly appreciated. my dad is not a option. i dont want to lose my bestfriend over this.
this may not b the rite section. but i didnt not know where to put it.

serious answer plz

Best answer:

Drug Addiction and the Pain Inflicted on My Family?

Question by Brittney: Drug addiction and the pain inflicted on my family?
i come from a very well rounded “normal” loving family that has given me everything i could ever ask for.
i love them. i would never want to do a thing to hurt them.
in fact all my life i let my sisters and brothers get what they want, i never complained, i truly don’t care about myself i just want everyone else to be happy.
so this is why my 9 month addiction to meth has left my family and myself so hurt by each other
im 21 but i still live at home with my little brother and parents.
they can’t fathom how i could possibly ever do meth again, want to do it again, or even look at it again after the way i’ve seen it hurt them.
and in turn i feel like they’re KILLING me by saying that.
i don’t know why, i have no idea why, but seeing them cry.. yeah i feel horrible, yeah it’s EXTREMELY hard to watch… and yes i will go out that very day and do more meth.
to me the best comparison i can come up with is telling someone to stop eating anything that tastes good… only lettuce..
if they don’t eat just lettuce then they must not love you…
i bet you that person would crack and eat something tastier within days.. regardless of how much they love you.
but still that comparison doesn’t feel quite right and i do feel like i should stop what i’m doing FOR my family. i should want them to be happy more than myself just like i do with everything else so i should be able to stop.. so why can’t i?? 🙁
and how can i make them see that i DO love them.. more than anything in this world..???

I Want to Find Buprenorphine-Administering Drug Rehabilitation Centers in Freeport, Texas. How?

Question by aditi is: I want to find buprenorphine-administering drug rehabilitation centers in Freeport, Texas. How?
I have come across information that claims buprenorphine to be better than methadone. I would like to know if this is true, hence the search for drug rehabs. The Internet provides sketchy details and I have found some sources to be contradicting.

Best answer:

Answer by arlette p
I agree with you that the Internet sometimes provides confusing details. I too have heard of the news that buprenorphine happens to be more appealing than methadone, but then again, I don’t know much about the subject. Below are links that may get to help you in your search. Good luck! I do hope that you get the information you need.

How Do You Feel About the Death Penalty?

Question by laura d: How do you feel about the death penalty?
I personally think it is an easy way out for the perpetrator. However, them sitting on death row and awaiting it is in itself a good punishment!

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. Taco
DNA exoneration’s suggest that there may be dozens of innocent men sitting in death row right now. Innocent men who were “proven” guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. One innocent man is too many. It could be you or someone you know! Factor in that most civil societies are abolishing the death penalty– countries with better crime rates than ours, suggesting that they know what they are doing– and I think I would rather stop acting like a third world dictatorship. So I am utterly opposed to the death penalty.

Plea in St. Clair Court Drug Scandal

Plea In St. Clair Court Drug Scandal

Filed under: christian drug treatment centers

… house earlier this year for possession of heroin. Cook and another judge, Joseph Christ, were together at Cook's hunting cabin in March when Christ died of a drug overdose. Cook resigned shortly after, and entered into in a court-ordered drug rehab …
Read more on Alton Daily News


Teen Denied Access to Transplant List Receives New Heart

Filed under: christian drug treatment centers