rehab facility

I Want to Be a Paramedic?

Question by [email protected]: i want to be a paramedic?
any current paramedics out there? if so, please give me a rundown of what a “typical” day would be like in the life of a paramedic.

Best answer:

Answer by abnxray
typical like a medic in a small town in Texas or a medic in Los Angeles ? if you have doubts, then its probably not for ya.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Olympia House | Sonoma, Marin and San Francisco Rehab Facility – The new television advertisement from the Olympia House addiction treatment program.

Is There Such Thing as Medically Based Drug Rehab?

Question by Donna: Is there such thing as medically based drug rehab?
We have tried a few different methods of drug rehabilitation for my daughter and are now wondering if there is a medical based treatment that is more than therapy, etc?

Best answer:

Answer by Weyland Leicht
Yes. I know of a rehab facility that uses a method called suboxone treatment along with therapy to achieve success.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Surprise AZ Treatment Center Call (855) 912-7867 Drug Rehab Center Surprise AZ – Drug addiction Treatment Centers for Liquor and Drugs Picking the treatment center that would best match the requirements …

Teen Rehab Centers in Oklahoma?

Question by Aubrey: teen rehab centers in oklahoma?
I am nineteen years old and I am finally willing to commit to a rehab program. I was wondering if anyone had good/bad experiences with any rehab centers here in oklahoma or surrounding states?

I am struggling with self injury and alcohol/drug abuse.

Best answer:

Answer by Philip C
check out the site listed below. if there isn’t one listed in the area you are looking for, simply fill out the form on the site and they help you find a place. no charge for their help.

What Is the General/simple Definition of Business Culture?

Question by jdm: What is the general/simple definition of business culture?
what should the business culture for a drug rehab facility be?

Best answer:

Can You Force an Adult in Indiana Legally to Go Into Rehab or Go to Jail?

Question by Chloe: Can you force an adult in Indiana legally to go into rehab or go to jail?
I’m fearful of losing my 31-year-old boyfriend to a very serious Heroin addiction. I think he deep down inside wants to get better. He has done very little though to find help as he gets frustrated because he has no money or insurance for a rehab facility. He is on death’s door. I’ve seriously considered finding a way to have him arrested but I KNOW that jail will only succeed into keeping clean while he’s there and the second he get out, he’ll use again. He’s done a couple of stints in jail for a few weeks and it did no good. He really needs at least a 3 month drug rehab inpatient treatment facility followed by going to a halfway house or a sober living facility. I don’t want to give up on him. PLEASE HELP! Any links or personal experience stories is greatly appreciated. I’d really like to hear from a lawyer or law student or even a police officer that has dealt with individuals like these. He still has so much to offer this world. When I met him 9 years ago, he was clean and totally different. He was hard-working, very likeable, honest, and strong. He is none of these things now. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP! I do NOT want to have to go to my boyfriend’s own funeral.

Flesh-Eating Drug 'Krokodil' Hits the US

Flesh-Eating Drug 'Krokodil' Hits The US

Filed under: drug addiction help utah

Recent cases in the United States have been identified in Arizona, Illinois and Utah. Dr. Frank LoVecchio of Banner Good Samaritan …. LOVECCHIO: For the first time in our country, I mean, this is, you know, astonishing to me that accidental or death …
Read more on WBUR


Photo Gallery: Friendship House Gala Celebrates 50 Years of Helping American

Filed under: drug addiction help utah