rehab facility

What to Do on Visit From Drug Rehab?

Question by Rusty Nail: What to do on visit from drug rehab?
My sister is 17 and has been in a court ordered drug rehab facility for the past 8 months.

She now gets 12 hours visits away from the facility, and on those visits my mother likes to have her go tanning, to the mall, get nails done, etc. I think that time should be spent going to colleges, the library … something like that so that when she is out she can do something with her life. My mom says this is her “reward” time and has elaborate plans for fun stuff.

Tucson AZ, Looking for Drug Rehab?

Question by Still in Doubt: Tucson AZ, Looking for drug rehab?
Looking for a rehab facility that actually helps and takes state insurance.

Best answer:

Answer by Cory Donaldson
rehab is for quitters

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Results of the Long-Term Outcomes Study of Ibogaine Treatment in Mexico – Thomas Kingsley Brown – Help us caption and translate this video on ? Results of the Long-…


Is There a Waynesburg Correctional Facility in Waynesburg, OH?

Question by EllieMae: Is there a Waynesburg Correctional Facility in Waynesburg, OH?

Best answer:

Answer by jurydoc
There appears to be a drug rehab facility there.

And there is a Waynesburg Correctional in PA.

What do you think? Answer below!


Looking for a Drug Rehab Facility in Southern Illinois.?

Question by Beth S: looking for a drug rehab facility in southern illinois.?
i have looked on and google and so far have had no luck. can anyone help? please. very urgent.

Best answer:

Answer by NiceOne
Southern Illinois covers a large region, but here are some options in the Carbondale area:

Southern Illinois Regional Social Services, Inc.
604 East College
Carbondale, Il 62901
Phone: 618-457-6703
(This link is for adult services; they have youth services as well.)

Gateway Foundation
1080 E Park St
Carbondale, Il
Phone: (618) 529-1151

Supporting Someone in Drug Rehab?

Question by Jango: Supporting someone in drug rehab?
My sister’s going into a private rehab facility for heroin addiction. She made the choice herself and has been on methadone for 2 months since she quit. So she’s coming off the methadone now. How can I support and encourage her while she’s in there? Loneliness seems to be a big aspect of her feeling terrible at the moment and she really seems to want her family right now (my parents are completely supporting her). How can I help ensure she doesn’t quit and makes it through? She’ll be in rehab for a month and something akin to a medical hotel for 5 months after that. My only addiction in life has been cigarettes so I can’t imagine what it must be like for her. Are there any recovered/recovering addicts that can share some help on this?

Long Term Rehab Facility for Alcohol and Drugs.?

Question by Iris: Long term rehab facility for alcohol and drugs.?
My uncle is finally ready to try to stop his long term drug and alcohol abuse. He needs a long term facility. We want to give him an intervention because we all know he wont do the research himself. Can anyone throw me some names of facilities that have reputable results. It can be anywhere in the US. I appreciate any suggestions.

Best answer:

Answer by domsmom
try googling it i;m sure you will come up with many things

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