I Have a Juveinile Court Date in 3 Days?
Question by Zachary M: I have a juveinile court date in 3 days?
I was arrested for possession of marijuana, alcohol by a minor, and loitering and prowling in georgia. Now I would like everyones opinion or past experience on what my consequences will be and if I’m going to get drug tested the day of my court date. Thanks everyone.
P.S. I would like to know if theres a chance of the court suspending my liscence, I wasn’t driving I was at a house.
Okay, this was my first time offense. Sorry I didn’t include that
Best answer:
Will an Alcoholic Who Has Been Through Rehab and Stopped Drinking, Still Be Eligible for a Liver Transplant?
Question by Genna: Will an alcoholic who has been through rehab and stopped drinking, still be eligible for a liver transplant?
Also, will that person need to stop using pain meds before becoming eligible for a transplant too? Any idea what the minimum amount of time is needed for them to remain sober before being placed on the list?
Best answer:
Answer by ask and you shall receive
I don’t know- but you can google- alpha lipoic acid IV treatment. Read up on it-
it cures and regrows the liver. There is a MD in New Mexico who has great success
with this and patients fly in there from all over. He has about a year wait list, last time
I heard, so the “alcoholic” should make an appt with this Dr. now.
What Is the Element Caesium Used For?
Question by undercover of darkness: What is the element Caesium used for?
and also, what is an atomic clock??
Best answer:
Answer by jeffh3000
Well Ceasium is used for several purposes both industral and medical.
Used in Petroleum exploration, Atomic clocks commonly use caesium-133, used in power production and electronics (Magnetohydrodyamic (MHD) power-generating systems, photoelectric cells, optical character recognition devices, photomultiplier tubes, and video camera tubes), medical and chemical (solutions containing it and other compounds are commonly used in molecular biology for density gradient ultracentrifugation, primarily for the isolation of viral particles, sub-cellular organelles and fractions, and nucleic acids from biological samples, Caesium salts have been evaluated as antishock reagents to be used following the administration of arsenical drugs and the treatment of epilpsy)
How Am I Going to Look for Drug Rehabs in Allison Park, Pennsylvania?
Question by alysha_m: How am I going to look for drug rehabs in Allison Park, Pennsylvania?
I need to do research for a school project, and I want to be able to know more about drug rehabs. I want to be able to conduct interviews and possibly take a picture of how these rehabilitation centers look like. I just don’t know how I’m going to be able to find these drug rehabs. Can someone help me?
Best answer:
Answer by PrincessJesci
-phone book
-yahoo search
-good luck getting around privacy laws!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
C. Ind. Wastewater Plant Site Returning to Nature
C. Ind. wastewater plant site returning to nature
Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana
COLUMBUS, Ind. (AP) – A central Indiana city plans to demolish its old wastewater treatment plant and simply let the riverfront property return to nature. Columbus officials have awarded a nearly $ 835,000 contract to dismantle and remove the facility …
Read more on FOX19
Drug dealer says he sold heroin to St. Clair County judge on 'almost daily basis'
Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana
How to Beat a DMV Hearing for DUI?
Question by Randy: how to beat a DMV hearing for DUI?
how to peraper for a hearing?what do i need to know?
Best answer:
Answer by jetmecslady
They probably have you on tape. Tell the truth. Get an Attorney. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. Had a friend who is really sorry for doing what she did. She did not think she was drunk but the tapes they got while she was being arrested, left no doubt. If you lie, it will get worse. Good luck and I hope you get a designated driver if you are going out.