rehab center

Does Rehab Sound Like a Good Option for Me? Is There Any Centers That Don’t Involve God?

Question by Jen Heartacher: Does Rehab sound like a good option for me? Is there any centers that don’t involve God?
I’m 19 years old, have been suffering from Depression and Anxiety since age 8, eating disorder at 12 and alcoholism since age 14, and also tried my first suicide attempt at 14. I’ve tried multiple drug treatments for depression, none of which have worked, and after all these years I still am struggling with depression and alcoholism, I’m 19 and very close to rock bottom(or as low as I want to go.) I realized I don’t have anything in common with my friends except for we are all alcoholics, and over the years I have lost a lot of friends and now all the friends I seem to have left are also drinkers, I don’t want to live this life anymore. I have bad depression and anxiety, the more I feel depressed, the more I want to drink, the more I drink the more I feel depressed, it’s a never ending cycle.

I Get 7 Days Off After School’s Out, I Need to Do Something Wack to Shake Me Out of Depression – What Can I Do?

Question by plate_5: I get 7 days off after school’s out, I need to do something wack to shake me out of depression – what can I do?
I have a fairly limited budget, I’m in Chicago, and I want to do something I’ve never done that’s a little on edge to kinda shake me out of feeling like shit for 2 years. I can’t decide what this might be because I have no idea; I’ve inhibited myself for so much of my life.

Best answer:

Answer by phillip b
good question this will give you some ideas

Working in Drug/addiction Rehab Centers?

Question by Ruby Alice Love: Working in drug/addiction rehab centers?
I’m currently a human development and family studies major but I have an undecided minor. I personally would like to be the one who’s in direct contact with patients during their withdrawal phases and being able to monitor them. I’m pretty sure that’s vague, but what job title is that specifically? In order to pursue this career would a biology minor benefit me more, would I need to go to medical school, what about grad school?

If it means anything I go to school in Nevada and I’d greatly appreciate some input and opinions.

Faith-Based Prisons: Ideas for More Valid Evaluations

Faith-based prisons: ideas for more valid evaluations

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association florida

More technically, the problem is that propensity score methods give the correct result if nonobservables play no role in the selection mechanism, or more precisely, if the unobserved determinants of participation play no role in ultimate success (that …
Read more on Washington Post (blog)


Ohio US House delegation to Attorney General: Make our drug court pilot

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association florida

Lew Sterret Justice Center in Dallas, Texas?

Question by that gurl: Lew Sterret Justice Center in Dallas, Texas?
Hi my fiance is in Lew Sterret county jail in Dallas, TX.
& I was trying to see if any of you guys knew
how I could accept his collect calls from the jail?
first off all mr.retarded sheriff
I dnt do drugs and never have so
why dont you tell your crack head kids to try drug rehab.
your probably doing meth with them right know now.
and you can keep your answers to yourself mr retard sheriff

Best answer:

Looking for a Drug Rehab Center Around Central Florida for Heroin?

Question by Dyvan: Looking for a drug rehab center around central Florida for heroin?
I have been down a long dark road with my friend and his prescription drug use. We thought it was in the past, that he kicked the habit only to find out he has been shooting Heroin. Being a supported friend and tough love has not worked it is time for rehab. I am hopping someone out there has beat Heroin and can suggest a good rehab center. I don’t think a church based rehab center is a good match he is far from religious. We live in central Florida, but I am willing to travel to get him in a right facility.